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3,5 years later



"Smile for me?"

"Justin, over here!"

"Kiss for the camera?"

"Look this way Emma!"

"Justin pull her close!"

"That's right!"



"Justin kiss her!"


"Tilt your head Emma!"

The photographers were shouting all over the place as Justin guided me down the red carpet by my hand. We didn't listen and just posed the way we felt it was right. Justin kissed my cheek and I smiled while his arm wrapped around my waist holding me close. Still red carpets didn't excite me and I hated fame, but grew used to it. Tonight is an exception. We kissed briefly before breaking apart and posing individually for a couple of photos. Next were the interviews.

"Are the rumors true? Did you get engaged?" Just before heading out we had finished telling our families. I couldn't help but beam at the rock on my finger in response. Looking back up I found Justin beaming just as brightly. The original plan was to keep it a secret for as long as possible but that wasn't gonna work out with us being crazy happy idiots.

"Well, what can I say?" Justin commented and kissed my temple pulling me close to his side.

"I see." The woman smiled at us. "How do you feel about being up against each other for an award?"

"Well, the way I see it our chances of winning are doubled." I responded. Justin and I weren't competitive with each other - we had always supported the other with their work and would both be more excited for the other than for ourselves.

"We aren't competing with each other." My fiancé (that sounds so awesome!) added.

"Who do you reckon will win?"

"Emma." Justin was quick to reply. I smiled warmly at him. Isn't he just the cutest?

"Well, I mean this is the first time I'm nominated and I'm more than thrilled about that. Also the other artists are immensely talented and it's an honor to be nominated with them." I paused. "Of course I'd be more thrilled if Justin won, but I'd be really happy for the others as well. May the best one win." A smile spread on my face.

Eventually we made it inside and found our table after greeting what felt like everyone attending this award show. Whatever. The show started and we had our food. Also the waiters kept the wine coming so we had a good time. Of course Justin and I weren't having too much seeing as we might have to hold a speech...

"The Grammy for 'Album of the year' goes to..." Instead of focusing on the stage, Justin and I shared a look and held hands. I was so nervous. The larger part of me hoped he would win this one. His music was so good and I loved the album so much. Also I knew how hard he worked on it, so he deserved winning this award so much.

"Emma Lockwood." My name echoed through the room and I was in partial shock. Justin pulled me up with him and into a tight embrace.

"Congratulations, dear! You deserve it so much! I'm so happy for you!" He beamed at me with tears in his eyes and I wrapped my arms around his neck kissing him briefly. "I love you, Emma!" Tears sprung to my eyes and I was overwhelmed. "Thank you. I love you too." Justin let go of me and ushered me toward the stage. On my way there people cheered, smiled and gave me standing ovations. I couldn't believe this was happening. Fanning some air at my face to keep the tears at bay and taking a deep breath I made it to the stage.

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