Chapter 8 - Clubbing

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Later that night we hit the clubs. I treated us to a table in the VIP section and we had a bottle of champagne and a bottle of vodka. Of course the girls all questioned where the money came from so I just told them I won the lottery with a smirk. Thanks to Mr. Moneybags for the excuse. Speaking of the devil - guess who followed us to the club? Yep, correct! And of course there was no table other than the one next to ours available. Picture me rolling my eyes.

"I said it before and I'm saying it again - stop stalking me!" Mr. Moneybags merely smirked at me.

"Honestly, if anyone is stalking someone here - it's you! You made friends with my family, babysit my siblings and show up in the club I always go to when I'm in Toronto." He raised his eyebrows at me and shrugged. My mouth fell open. Seriously, Bieber? "Just saying..."

"Seriously? I sure as hell didn't ask for you to show up in my life, but here we are running into each other for the umpteenth time." Now he gaped at me. I shrugged and raised my eyebrows. "Just saying..."

We were interrupted by their alcohol showing up. I talked to a couple of Justin's guy friends and hung with Jeremy for a while. I noticed Justin and Torrie talking and laughing for a while. They both looked in my direction and I didn't like the feeling of them talking about me. Still, I chose to ignore it and danced away with one of the guys Mr. Moneybags showed up with. He was kinda cute and fun, but I didn't like him like that. I just enjoyed goofing around and having fun with him.

"So you and Justin, huh?" I asked Torrie after a while. She shrugged and laughed.

"Nothing like that - he's all yours!" What? Why does she think I want him?

"I don't care about him. Go for it, hun!" I encouraged her again she laughed. Justin was now talking to Lily.

"Emma, he has been watching you all night - how did you not notice?" Seriously? What's wrong with people? Do I have to put up neon signs on top of my head reading "I do not like Justin Bieber!"? I rolled my eyes at her.

"Seriously Emma, every girl in this club probably wants him right now. What's your problem?"

"Every girl, but me!" I beamed at her. She looked at me like wtf?. "I just don't like him like that is all. Why is that so hard for people to understand?"

"Because he is funny, good looking, talented, successful and seems like a really good guy!" I laughed in her face - Mr. Moneybags talented? Funny!

"Just drop it Torrie! If you like him, go for it."

"I tried."

"And?" I beamed at her.

"He only talks about you." She seemed resigned. Shit! Now I felt sorry for her.


"Yeah... he asked if you got us the table and I told him yes, then he asked how come you can pay for that" I rolled my eyes at her. "And I told him you said you won the lottery. He thought that was really funny for some reason." I laughed. Of course he would think it's funny, as he kinda suggested that when we ran into each other at that boutique a couple of weeks ago.

"I'm sorry Torrie. Want me to go talk to him, see if I get him to understand I'm not interested and try to get him to hook up with you?" I offered. She gaped at me. "I'll be subtle, I promise!"

"I don't know Emma" I just hugged her and left. I got myself another glass of champagne and went over to Mr. Moneybags who was talking to Jeremy.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a moment?" I asked.

"Sure." Oh god, that was way too easy! He can't seriously like me. "What can I do for you, dear?" The way he said that made me roll my eyes immediately.

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