Chapter 3 - Babysitting

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The weekend rolled around quickly and I went over to Chelsea and Jeremy's place to stay with the kids. They thanked me a million times and told me how they owed me big time. Also they told me to call in case something was up bla bla bla... It was really hard to push them out the door. Friday night I spend with Jazzy and Jaxon in front of the TV. After an hour of arguing they finally decided on a movie and I had ordered pizza for us. Then I shipped them off to bed, which was amazingly easy. Normally kids were really difficult with going to bed, but J&J went easy on me. Jaxon asked me to read a certain story to him he loved and soon fell asleep. He looked incredibly cute all cuddled up with his little stuffed animal wrapped in his arm.

After Jaxon was sound asleep I went to tuck Jazzy in. She wanted to watch an episode of some kids series before bed and I watched it with her until she fell asleep in my arms. Carefully I untangled myself so I wouldn't wake her up and went downstairs. I grabbed myself a water bottle and decided to watch some TV. As per usual there was only bullshit on so I flicked through the channels until I decided to sleep myself as the kids would probably drain all my energy tomorrow.

7am sharp was what the watch on my iPhone read when Jaxon woke me up. It's way to early! It's a Saturday, dammit! Plus I'm in college. Note to self: Hold off on having kids for as long as possible, Emma! I sighed and gave in defeated so I got up and started prepping breakfast as Jaxon was keeping me company while playing some game on his iPad. I put on some music and as I put the eggs into the pan Jazzy entered the kitchen. She sat down next to Jaxon as I informed her breakfast would be ready any minute.

While the kids had breakfast I made myself a quick bowl of cereal and sat down with them. So far so good. You survived the first 14 hours Emma - congratulations!

"So, what do you wanna do today?" I asked them and neither of them came up with an idea. Props to you Emma for thinking it was a good idea to just ask them so they wouldn't get annoying later on.

I decided to go for a walk with them as the sun was out and the air was really nice outside. Also I figured some fresh air and nature would be good for them. It went fine. Neither of them got run down by a car and we had a good time.

As we got back I cooked lunch. Chelsea had instructed me on what they liked to eat before they left.

The kids were in their rooms playing I assumed and while the chicken was in the oven and the pasta cooked on the stove I listened to some music again. I swayed my hips from side to side in synch as I watched the food get ready. "You like that song?" Jazzy asked me curious all of a sudden. I hadn't even noticed her come into the kitchen. "Uhm... yeah... I guess..." I didn't even know what was on. Listening in I found it was that Bieber kid - oh no! How much I loathed Popstars...

Jazzy smirked widely at me as Jaxon entered the kitchen as well. "Are you a fan of Justin?" He asked me curious. I tried my best not to laugh out loud.

"Not really." I smiled at him. The little boy looked crushed. Oh boy, what have I done?

"Are you guys fans?" I asked them in an attempt to lighten the mood a little. They exchanged a look and giggled. What's up with them?

"It's okay. I won't judge. Some of his music is good." I lied. Please don't cry on me kids!

"So, you like Justin's music?" Jazzy pressed. Why was this so important to them?

"Uhm... some of it... I guess..." I stammered. What was I supposed to say? His music sucks, he has zero talent and is a a Ferrari-driving spoiled brat? Now that would've upset them. No way! A lie it is...

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