Chapter 34 - Stalker

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Two weeks later I had almost completed all of my courseworks, papers and presentations for the end of the semester. Also, I now had a weekly call with Dr. Meyer to prepare for the hearing. As I was filing for compensation I had to make it look like I was still hurting very much and couldn't move on. The press reporting about my relationship wasn't exactly helping that image and Dr. Meyer wasn't happy, but he'd just have to deal with it - I was paying him more than enough. To my despair the bastard had become more and more annoying with trying to apologize to me. Why won't he just leave me alone?

Also Chelsea had made us girls bridesmaids and we were all involved in the wedding preparations. There were tons of things to do and it was only about a month until the wedding. Chelsea was already getting excited and nervous - this much I could tell. Today we all hung out at their place again to deal with a couple of the gazillion items on her to-do-list.

When I got home I was exhausted and tired. I helped myself to a glass of wine before settling in front of the TV with a movie. Justin was set to call in a couple of hours and I was patiently waiting for the FaceTime request. To be prepared I set my phone down to charge and cuddled up in one of Max's old sweaters and a blanket. Suddenly, the doorbell went off. I tried ignoring it, but it didn't work. Part of me hoped it was my boyfriend (that still sounded weird to me by the way) being obnoxious like last time though I knew that was virtually impossible. I rolled my eyes, paused the movie and got up. When I opened the door, I froze. Without thinking I shut it again immediately, leaned against it and sunk to the floor in shock. What the hell was he doing here?

"Emma please, I just wanna talk." He yelled through the door as silent tears made their way down my cheeks. I gulped heavily and was unable to speak.

"I'm sorry." The bastard continued. "I was depressed and under a lot of emotional pressure back then. I never meant to hurt anyone other than myself." Well you did, asshole! You killed my family! He knocked - or more punched - the door. "Please open up!" I got scared. I mean, that classifies as stalking, right? Over the past couple of weeks I had received many calls from him though I changed my number a couple of times. Everyone got annoyed with me over that and it was getting to a point where I was running out of excuses. One can only lose their phone so many times after all...

"Emma, I know you're in there. Please let me talk to you. I won't hurt you or anything. You don't have to be scared." Well A) I already was and B) you already hurt me when you killed my family!

At some point I found it in myself to get up and find my phone. I called Dr. Meyer and told him what was going on. He informed the police immediately. They showed up and collected the bastard from my porch and I got police protection until he had left the country. Dr. Meyer strongly advised me to get myself security after that though. Also he was filing for a preliminary injunction that would prevent the bastard from contacting me ever again unless he felt like spending the night in prison.

I had finally managed to collect myself and calm down a little when my phone went off. Because I knew Justin would be able to tell something was up immediately I declined the video request. It didn't take long for him to notice though...

"Why did you decline the video? I wanna see your face, dear!"

"Oh, did I? That was a mistake, I'm sorry." I lied.

"Well then turn it on now." No!

"I don't know how to do that, besides I look a little bit of a mess."

"Emma, stop lying to me and turn on the damn video!" Urgh! I rolled my eyes.
"And don't roll your eyes at me again." I complied - well I turned on the video after rolling my eyes. Justin's face fell as he saw me.

Mr. Moneybags | jbHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin