Chapter 4 - Jaxon's Birthday

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The rest of the day I spend grabbing some more sleep and catching up on some reading for class to distract myself from the anger boiling inside of me. What an asshole!

Also, this much for my life without music. Four months was all I got, now the idiot marched into my life and it's all blown up. Dammit! Was this really too much to ask? A little peace and quiet away from LA and New York... now fucking LA bursts into my life here. I moved to Canada for heavens sake! All in an attempt to escape music - what the hell? It's not like I gave up music because I felt like it! Come on, I'm dealing with enough shit as it is!

Please just don't let him find out! I was scared. Of course he won't find out Emma! He's a Popstar! Doesn't know shit about the industry or how to even spell the word talent, plus he probably won't expect you to know anything about music, so he won't see. Mr. Moneybags won't understand and he won't find out. He's not a goddamn talent scout or something... besides he's way too busy drooling over himself. Right now I officially felt sorry for Jeremy, the kids and Chelsea to be related to such a spoiled, self-consumed brat. Thank god he's way too busy with his career so he probably won't show up here again anytime soon. After Jaxon's birthday he'll get his pampered ass on some private jet and go back to LA, touring or whatever it is they make him do to increase their return on investment. I smirked at the last thought, remembering how my Dad told me they had signed this Canadian kid years ago. 'He sure as hell will make us a lot of money. The girls are gonna love him and spend every last penny on his music and merchandise.' Those were his words. Now Mr. Popstar was making me money. He worked - I got my share, I loved the idea.

As much as I enjoyed my little triumph, A) I couldn't rub it in his face without it backfiring massively (besides I had manners) and B) I still would have to face him again tomorrow at Jaxon's party. Chelsea had called and thanked me for watching the kids about a million times and also told me Jaxon had asked for me to come over to his party the next day. I loved the fact that he did that. Tomorrow I would get a present - I didn't know yet what I was gonna get him but I would find something - and then I would have to face Mr. Moneybags again. Great! I can't wait!

The next day I did just that and also got a couple hours of revision in, before I headed over to Chelsea's. I had gotten Jaxon the selfie we took printed out in a nice frame - according to Jeremy he loved the photo. Also I got him some really new game for his xbox. I made sure it had just come out so he wouldn't already have it.

Chelsea greeted me at the door and we hugged. "Eeemmmmmaaaaaa!" Jaxon yelled. Running toward me. I picked him up and swung him in my arms. "Hello there birthday boy!" I laughed.

"Happy birthday, dear!" I told him setting him back on the ground crouching in front of him and handing him the presents. "So, how old are we now?" I teased and he beamed at me. "Seven." I could tell he was proud. "You're a big boy now." I caressed his head. Immediately he ripped the presents open and his eyes sparkled brightly. "Thank you Emma!" He hugged me. "I'm glad you like it."

Before I got a chance to say hello to everyone he pulled me with him into his room and set the frame down next to one of Justin with him and Jazzy in it proudly. I smiled at that. The idea of being treated the same as Mr. Moneybags didn't particular appeal to me, but seeing he was the big brother I felt honored. Also he informed me how he got a new Xbox from Justin so the game fit in perfectly. Of course Mr. Moneybags would drop a load of cash on his siblings to make up for never actually being there.

When we got down to the living room I spotted Jazzy sitting on the Popstar's lap. As she noticed me she jumped up immediately and launched herself at me. "Emmmaaa!" She cheered. Again I crouched in front of her and hugged her tightly. "Hello there big girl!" I greeted her happily. Over the weekend I really got a chance to bond with the kids.

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