Chapter 37 - Family

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"Good morning beautiful." The raspy morning voice of my boyfriend caused a huge smile to spread across my face as I woke up in his arms. Slowly I opened my eyes and blinked a couple times to find Justin looking at me with a small smile.

"Good morning." I replied as my chocolate eyes met his mesmerizing hazel ones. He pulled the most calm expression before placing a sweet kiss on my forehead as I continued to smile. My arm pulled his body closer to mine as we shared a gentle kiss. Actually we made out for a while all cuddled up under the covers in my bedroom. This still seemed like a dream.

"Sleep well?" I asked.

"Yeah. Always when I got you in my arms." Justin smirked at me. "Just a little jetlagged."

"Have you been up long before me?"

"A little while." He smiled at me and I shot him an apologetic look. "It's okay. I like watching you sleep. You look so peaceful."

I chuckled and buried my face in his chest feeling a little embarrassed. Justin laughed at my reaction and we cuddled for another while.

"So what do you wanna do today?" He asked a couple minutes later.

I thought about it for a moment. "Hm... maybe I'll go shopping with Chelsea and the girls or something." I smiled.

Justin looked at me confused. "What?" A flicker of pain rushed across his face. The idiot actually thought I was gonna neglect him. I laughed at his cuteness.

"You're gonna play golf with Jaxon today." Realization struck him before he looked annoyed. He was about to interject something when I shot him a look and cut him off. "You promised!" I raised my eyebrows. "I thought you could make it a guys thing and take your dad with you as well."

"I like how you remember everything for me, but I don't wanna spend the day without you." Justin whined. "Why don't we all go together?"

"I don't know Justin... Jaxon and your dad really missed you and you should spend time with them as well. Maybe we could all do dinner together and you can stay here again tonight. How's that?" I suggested smiling. As much as I wanted to spend every minute with him, I had to share the time he had to spare here. I couldn't just keep Justin all for myself.

"Fine. But we'll do dinner and call it an early night. And tomorrow I want you all to myself." I chuckled at his enthusiasm.

"That sounds awesome!" I beamed at Justin and kissed him passionately. We made out for another while before we finally got out of bed and called his dad's house to inform them of our plans. On the way over we got some takeaway breakfast at Tim Horton's. Justin felt like being Canadian...

Soon after we arrived and hung out for a while before splitting up for the day. Chelsea and I took the girls to the mall. We roamed around the stores and bought a couple of cute items. The girls both got something and Chelsea needed to run some errants.

"So did you tell him?" She asked at some point. My face spread into a huge grin and I nodded.

"Yes. I did. And he said it back." I smiled.

"Told ya." Chelsea replied. "I'm so happy for you!" She embraced me into a tight hug.

We continued rummaging through the clothes racks. Every now and then we were stopped by people recognizing Jazzy or me and talked to some of Justin's fans.

"I'm so excited for our little vacation!" Chelsea stated. She was referring to the Bachelorette party. Justin and I had actually planned a getaway for all of us. We were taking both of them to Ibiza including some of Jeremy's friends and all of the bridesmaids. Thinking that they both were living an adult life with kids and all we thought we could take them away together. Well, to be completely honest this might have rooted in Justin and me wanting to spend as much time together as possible so we decided to take them away together. Justin was Jeremy's best man so he was in charge of the bachelor party. I had talked to Lily about this because technically she was responsible for Chelsea's bachelorette party as she was maid of honor. Lily liked the idea. Ibiza was perfect, because we could just enjoy a vacation and at the same time we could go party hard at night so we kinda had a lot of options. Of course nobody told the soon to be weds where we were taking them.

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