Chapter 38 - Enrique

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2 Days later

All of us were currently on a jet taking us to Europe. There were Jeremy and Chelsea of course, then Torrie, Sarah, Lily and me as well as Justin, Johnny, Marc and Simon. The last two were good friends of Jeremy's. I had met them out and about before, but didn't know them too well. Also Mickey was coming with us for security. Justin had organized the jet and made sure there was enough alcohol stacked for us, so we were currently on our third bottle of champagne.

The guys were all sleeping apart from Justin. Also Sarah and Torrie had dosed off. The rest of us was chatting animatedly. Everyone was really excited for the trip.

"So where exactly are we staying?" Lily asked Justin assuming he booked this all.

He shrugged and smirked at me. "Emma, where are we staying?"

"At the most awesome party pad any of you has ever seen!" I explained proudly.

"Sounds awesome! Have you been there before? Do you have any photos?" Lily continued.

"Uhm... yeah. A couple times actually." I laughed. "I don't think I have any photos of the place though." I explained shifting in my seat a little. Deep down I was growing more and more uncomfortable with people seeing the place - I even considered renting something last minute. Before anyone could notice I excused myself and walked toward the back of the plane.

"Emma, what's wrong?" Justin caught up with me after a moment.

"I'm so not sure this is a good idea anymore... There is a reason I didn't want people to know about my liquidity." I paced up and down.

"Relax. People will get over it." He chuckled.

"You haven't seen the place, Justin!" Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

Eventually I managed to calm down a little and got a couple hours of sleep using my boyfriend as a pillow again. Then we arrived and it was time to get to the house. At the footsteps of the jet the cars were already waiting for us and while we thanked the crew and pilot, the drivers loaded our luggage into the cars. Then it was time for me to give out the address. As we sat in the car I called ahead to inform Maria, the housekeeper, that we were on our way. She told me everything was prepped and ready - not that I'd expect any less from her. She's the absolute best.

After half an hour we arrived and I was incredibly nervous. I typed in the code so the gates opened and the cars drove up the driveway. Everyone piled out and we went inside. I went ahead and greeted Maria with a hug. "Hello love, how have you been?" She spoke with a heavy Spanish accent. "I'm good." I beamed at her. "Glad to be back here." I shook hands with all the other members of staff - the maids, Butlers, kitchen staff, and so on. Then everyone was handed a glass of champagne and they served us some local appetizers and ushered us through to the living room. People pretty much gaped at the house and stood there with their mouths open in shock. Perfect! This is the part I was scared of.


"Oh my god!"

"Holy shit!"

"I'd tell you to buy this place, son but you'd probably go broke." Jeremy joked patting Justin's shoulder. I grew more and more uncomfortable by the minute.

"Who the hell lives here?" Sarah asked.

"How'd you manage to get this place?" Lily wondered. Shit! Not even Justin was helpful as even he was shocked. I saw this coming. Fuck! I tucked his hand pulling him back to reality and shot him a look. "Not you as well please!" I whispered. The asshole smirked at me in return.

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