Chapter 46 - Trouble

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I watched Justin storm off and head back inside still pissed. This was definitely his fault! If he hadn't... wait, he didn't actually do anything. Was I just being an ungrateful bitch? No - hold up! He did treat me like his charity case, didn't he? Justin definitely worried and was concerned for me and I had enough of being pampered. I'm not some fragile piece of glass! Why wouldn't he understand that?

Sighing heavily I decided to head back inside oblivious to the storm I was facing. "Hey, you okay?" Lily asked me concerned. Before I knew it I found myself circled by the girls sans Chelsea. They all looked worried. Great!

"Yeah, I'm fine." I smiled at them and shrugged it off.

"You sure?" Torrie pressed.

"Yeah. Calm down everyone." I laughed it off.

"Where's Justin? Thought he was with you..." Lily asked.

Uhm... what to say? "He's in here somewhere." I looked around the room to make it seem like everything's fine. Nobody had to know of our little fallout.

"Here, your phone. I filmed it all." Sarah handed my iPhone back to me.

"Perfect, thanks. I got some people who might wanna see this." I winked at her and quickly sent the video to David and Paris. Elton didn't own a smart phone, so David would show him.

A waitress passed by and I got myself a drink. Finally I could get drunk! Wait, where are the kids? Are they okay? My eyes traveled around the room and I spotted them with Justin. We locked eyes briefly. Normally these looks we shared were filled with love and kindness, right now it was just cold and anger. Justin more or less glared at me and I rolled my eyes at him before focusing back on the girls.

"What's up with you two?" Lily noticed. Crap. Busted. "Did you fight?" She asked incredulously like that was the last thing she ever expected us to do. Honestly it was bound to happen at some point, so why the surprise? To be fair though we had been lovebirds, always being kind and gentle with each other so this was new to everyone.

"We're fine." I lied. The girls didn't believe me and exchanged looks of disbelief. Me rolling my eyes fortunately kept them from asking further questions.

"Hey, uhm... Chelsea was looking for you earlier." Torrie informed me. I nodded and walked off to find the bride.

"Heeeyyy. There you are!" She engulfed me into a tight hug. "Thank you so much for doing that! It was amazing! You were amazing." She told me as we let go. "Well both of you." Her eyes flickered away from me and she looked over at Justin who stood next to me. Apparently Jeremy had walked him and the kids over to us. Just great! "Thanks. Glad you enjoyed it." I smiled warmly at Chelsea.

"Of course, I loved it." From the corner of my eye I could see Justin smile at her.

"Thank you, Emma!" Jeremy added and hugged me as well. I smiled politely at him unsure as to whether he knew of Justin's and my argument or not.

"You are such a great singer Emma!" Jazzy complimented me and I crouched and hugged her. "Awww thank you so much!" I beamed at her.

"You were really good." Allie added and I hugged her as well.

Last but not least Jaxon broke lose form Justin's hand and launched himself at me almost causing me to fall backwards on my butt. "You sing better than Justin." The little man whispered in my ear giggling and made me laugh. "Aww thanks Jaxon! But I'm not so sure about that." I winked at him. "Don't tell him, he'll get jealous." I whispered into his ear and Jaxon laughed nodding at me before getting back up.

Apparently Chelsea and Jeremy had left and it was just Justin and me with the kids. I took another sip of my wine to calm my nerves. "What time is Taylor picking them up?" I asked completely calm and collected.

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