Chapter 43 - Surprise

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"Emma, this is really good. You should think about publishing some of these pieces. They're worth so much more than simply catching dust in some shelf, the world should be able to admire them and your talent, you deserve it love." My godfather praised my music. We were currently sat in my little studio at the new house.

"Thanks Elton! It means a lot coming from you but most songs are way too personal for me to publish them. I'll think about it." I beamed at him.

"I understand that. No pressure, love. Do whatever feels right." He smiled warmly at me. After working almost nonstop for two days we decided to call it a day and ordered some dinner before heading off to bed.

The next day Elton and his family left and I had another day before Justin was set to return, which I would have to use to get the house ready to show him and run some errants. The past couple of days I hadn't done any of the things I should have been doing, like handing in papers and try on my bridesmaid dress at the bridal boutique. We all had a fitting the week before and they were doing some final changes to make us look perfect. It was only a couple of days until the wedding now.

After Elton left I decided to give Chelsea a call, she was freaking out already and I needed to be there for her and calm her down.

"Emma, this wedding is stressing me out." No kidding. "I mean part of me can't wait for it to be over." She sighed heavily into the phone. "Don't get me wrong, I look forward to getting married, but these preparations and the kids and all are just too much." Oh dear.

"Hey, it's fine. The wedding will be perfect, okay?" I tried to persuade her. "You'll be the most beautiful bride and have the best day of your life. If there's anything I can do to help - take the kids, run errants, whatever - let me know, okay? Me and the girls are all here for you and ready to help."

"Thanks Emma! You're the best. Would you deal with the florist? He said they were out of white roses and couldn't do my bouquet. I'm freaking out! I refuse to walk down the isle without a bouquet!" Chelsea stressed.

"Calm down. I will call them and make sure you'll get the bouquet of your dreams. Just tell me what you want and I'll get it for you. Don't worry about it. It'll be ready for you on your big day, I promise!"

Another sigh. "Thanks. That helps. I'll send you a picture of what it's supposed to look like and the number of the florist, okay?"

"You do that. Anything else I can do?" I offered.

"Maybe... would you pick the kids up from school tomorrow? I got work and still haven't written my vows."

"Sure. What time?" Justin was arriving the next day, but whatever. We'd just watch the kids together. "How about they stay with Justin and me for the night and you write your vows, have some time to relax with your soon-to-be hubby?"

"Oh my god. You serious? Justin's coming back and I'm sure you missed him. I can't let you do that. It's too much. You're helping enough as it is."

"They're his siblings, he might as well watch them for once. Besides, I'm sure the kids missed him too. It'll be fine. We'll get over it." I tried to convince her. Justin wouldn't like the idea, but he'd just have to deal with it.

"Only if you're absolutely sure."

"I am. Now grab some beauty sleep and let me deal with it, alright?" I smiled through the phone.

"Emma I owe you big time. Thank you so much!"

"Don't worry bout it." Soon we hung up and I proceeded to get the house ready for the kids to stay over. My flat was too small for the five of us. I had always imagined showing Justin the house alone, but this was how it's gonna be so whatever.

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