So Far Away ~ Avenged Sevenfold

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Who is your family? What is family? Is family your blood or someone you would die for? I believe your family is who you chose it to be. Being related by blood means nothing. Being betrayed by your own blood can be worse then being betrayed by someone who's not your blood. But if you choose who you call your family it can also hurt to be betrayed because you accepted and trusted them enough to let down your walls and show that person you're not as strong, not as happy, not as mentally well as you when you have your walls up. They slowly break down your walls and you let them, you trust them, you would do anything for them. But whether their your blood or just someone you trust with your life, they always betray you or leave you when you need them most. The one's that stay try their hardest to fix you, but some people are far too long gone to be saved. They no longer trust people, but they still car for people. So I stand here and ask you, who is your family?



So this was the first one I ever did. This is one of the longer ones and one of the ones I'm most proud of. Also these are all going to be a little depressing so if you have a problem with that please just leave and not comment about it.

Peace out Wild One's ✌

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