Before Christmas

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Jeon's pov:
At last, I finally asked her out again. But this time it won't be as the same. It will be different. Because I will ask her to be mine. I was a little nervous but still I will try and work it out. The weekend was before Christmas,so it's a perfect timing.

I went home and popped on to my bed. Only my house wasn't decorated yet...and I wasn't feeling to do it today. .so I fall asleep.

Time skip~
Today is the day! A big day for me. I told her that I will pick her and informed her to wear something less boyish. Because I have a surprise for her.

I quickly combed my hair and sprayed my hair so that it stays like that.

I wore my jacket and headed out. When I was almost out, something hit me and I rushed inside again.

"Totally forgot about this.." I said while picking the violet box and put in my pocket before going out again.

It was snowing, the whole place is covered with white cold snow. The cold breeze and everyone is rushing for the last Christmas shopping. There was a huge jam and I was stuck there for God know how long. Jin-hyung called me and told me to be careful and to be safe.

After 2hours later, I reached her house. When I pulled my car out, I saw a snowman outside her house. I chuckled because she didn't grew up from her mental self.

I went to the door and ring it. A few minutes past,then the door opened. I was shocked because of who opened the door. It was Jimin-hyung.

"Oh! Jungkook-ah!! Come in !! Sorry for my messy self ..I was sleeping.." He smiled being embarrassed by himself. But I shrugged it off.

The living was a mess. There was blanket and pillows, it looks like they were having a sleepover.

"Ah..Sorry for the mess. Yah! Tae! Wake up! !" Jimin-hyung yelled at Taehyung-hyung and started to pick up the blankets and pillow.

"Ahh. .let me help you, hyung! " I said and quickly went to grab some pillows.

"Ahhh. .thanks." Jimin-hyung said while yawning.

"Jungkook why your here so early?" Taehyung-hyung asked.

"Um..hyung it's already 4 pm in the afternoon." I said and he flinched.

"God!! How long we have being sleeping!!" Taehyung-hyung got up and stretched himself.

"It's all. ..because of Yoongi-hyung. ..he made us to sleep.." Jimin-hyung said and dropped down on the couch.

"Not to disturb you,hyung..but where is y/n?" I asked while folding the blankets.

"Y/n...maybe at her room.." Jimin-hyung said and I nod before heading up.

"Knock before going in or you will get your ass kicked!! Don't tell me later that I didn't warned you!" Jimin-hyung shouted and I note that down.

I knocked the door but no response. So, I was knocking aggressively and then Yen opened the door. Her hair was messed up and it looked like I woke her up from her sleep.

"WHAT?!!" She yelled at me and I covered my ears.

"Is y/n in there?" I asked politely but she turned to look in the room because her eyes was half lidded.

"Uh..don't know?" She replied back and scratched her hair for what kind of world she was in .

" are in her room and you don't know...." I pointed out and she glared.

'Never dare to wake her up in near future...'

Then a voice hit us both.

"Jeon? What are you doing here?" Y/n came out from another room and she was wearing nice decent dress. I was staring at her for God knows how long.

"Gosh! When did ya got up so quickly!! And what's with the dress?"Yen asked while getting fully out from the room.

"Um..I told you about it...did ya forgot?" Y/n spat at her and she hit her head.

"Ohh!! I forgot !! It's weekend already. ..Aishh. .." Her words were soon cut off by a loud thud ..downstairs.

"TAEHYUNG!!! I'LL KILL YOU FOR THIS!!! YAAAAHHHH!!COME BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SON OF A B-" Jimin-hyung stopped when Taehyung-hyung took shelter behind y/n.

"What's going on?" Y/n asked and Taehyung-hyung grabbed her arms tightly.

"Chim, look it was an accident. ."Taehyung-hyung tried explain but Jimin-hyung was fuming in anger.

"Hell no!! This shit is real and there's no accident!!" He said while rolling his sleeves up.

" whatever but don't wake that monster up.." Yen said and went in .

"Chim, I'm sorry. ..buddy look I will buy ya chips...okay" Taehyung-hyung said with a small nervous smile.

"You gonna get it Kim Taehyung! ! No excuses!!" Jimin-hyung yelled out. Then the door opened and revealed Yoongi-hyung.

"Now, let me kill you two brats!!" Yoongi-hyung yelled and they ran as if their life I depended on in.

"I'm so sorry for this's just a daily thing now.." y/n said slowly as if she's embarrassed by this.

"It's okay..craziness is cool. By the way, your looking nice." I complimented and she had a light blush.

"Let's go?" I said and headed downstairs. But downstairs was in chaos.

Yoongi-hyung was sitting on the dinning table and Jimin-hyung, Taehyung-hyung was bowing in front of him. Then I saw some throwing flower petals on Yoongi-hyung. I asked y/n who was that guy.

"Oh, that's Hoseok. Yen's brother." Y/n replied while ignoring the whole fact. I still stood there and stared at them.

'Man, it's so damn..weird..'

Then I snapped out my thought when y/n called.

Y/n's pov:
I knew that there will some sort new acts today ..because it happened everyday. So, it didn't bothered me much. Jeon on the other hand was very surprised that..what the hell is wrong with this people. Well, welcome to the nutcracker family.

We headed somewhere because he didn't told me where. He kept on driving but it was getting too boring. So, I got my phone and searched for some decent song to play.

" you like Charlie Puth?" I asked while staring at my phone and he stoped the car. I almost hit the car's headboard.

"What the hell!! Jeon! What's wrong with ya!!" I yelled and he stared at me with his shining eyes.

"You like Charlie Puth!!???" He chirped and I slowly nod before fixing my gaze on him.

"Oh my gosh!! I love his work!! I never thought that someone else will love his work too!! I mean most of the population doesn't know English well but still it's so cool!! Omoooo!  I can't believe. .that you like his works too!!" His totally nuts. He was blabbing whatever he knows about Charlie Puth and his songs.

'Aishh. .why I have even brought it up.....'


Well, we love Charlie Puth and his collab with BTS especially Jungkook was a masterpiece. Btw, I didn't forget to give u guys meme. Here it is...

 Here it is

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Opps.... 😶😶

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