A Scorned, Broken Women.

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Will POV

I fell in love all over again as her sweet lipstick brushed against my lips. I smiled into a longing kiss as she laid on top of me.

She sat up and placed her hands on my bare chest as I rubbed her thighs. The warm breeze from the outside felt amazing as we laid there.

Olivia: This place is beautiful babe." she smiled as she looked outside.

Me: I told you one day I would bring you here." I said looking at her. She leaned down and kissed my lips softly. Sitting up, I lightly pushed her over as I grabbed my phone.

Me: damn it's only 2 something." I said as I looked outside. The clear water, and the beautiful palm trees put an easy smile on my face as the sun set the tone.

Olivia: I'mma go freshen up, and maybe we can head out to the beach." she said sliding off the bed.

I nodded and bit my lip as she swayed her hips into the next room. Sighing, I turned back to my phone and opened my messages. I sighed as I had seen no new messages.

Olivia: hey you okay?" she said peering her head around the bathroom door.

Me: yeah baby." I mumbled putting it away. She sighed and climbed into bed next to me.

Olivia: your thinking about them, aren't you?" she said caressing my face. I shook my head no and looked away.

Olivia: it's been 9 months, you have to let it go.." she said easily. I shook my head and looked outside again. It had almost been a whole year since that night..

I waited a few weeks, hoping to hear something from them. But since that night, since the explosion, no one has heard from my brothers, or June and his brothers.

At first, I thought it was trick, I thought that maybe they were planning something and trying to get back at me without me seeing.

That idea came to a rest, as I secretly checked on all the girls. They hadn't heard from them either.

It was slowly eating at me, it was like one of those things that you love doing, and you finally complete it and there's nothing left to do.

I thought bringing me and Olivia all the way across the world would help, but it still ate at me.

I had nothing to do, and on top of that my brothers were really dead.

Olivia: look, they got what they deserve okay?" she said, turning my face to hers.

Olivia: we are finally free to truly live our lives, so lets do that babe." she sighed. I nodded slowly and kissed her lips as she headed back to freshen up.

Till this day, I still hadn't wrapped my mind around the fact that she was alive.

I still wasn't able to comprehend that she was behind everything. She was the mastermind that Case was following.

The Olivia I knew was sweet, kind, generous. There wasn't one revengeful bone in her body.

There was so much going on, and everytime I tried to reason it in my head, it gave me a headache.

But Liv was right though.

Luck was finally on my side, I had spent years watching my brothers live the lives I wanted..and now? I could do anything I wanted. I had Olivia back, and I had my life back.

I could even start a family if I wanted to, they were gone and deep down I knew that that was all I wanted.

Olivia POV

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