Chapter 59 Stand by me

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I was sitting on my floor staring up at the burned Canvas. My face was soaked in tears. Energy swirled around the room and hid in the darkened corners. The fire still burned on the canvas. I felt nothing. I wanted to feel nothing. My brother was dead, and I knew the minute that they got home, they would only care about how Elena felt about this. Caroline was downstairs scrubbing the burned tiles from where Kol died. I felt like I could hear the scrubbing of the brush on the floor. The slushing of the water when she dipped it into the bucket. The air in the house was still as I remembered everything about my brother. Tears flowed down my cheeks as I heard the front door open. I stood up from the floor and ran my hand through my hair. I walked to my bedroom door and pulled it open. I watched as Stefan carried Jeremy into his room. He didn't seem to see me. He only watched Elena. I stepped out of my room and stood in the doorway of Jeremy's room. I watched as Elena covered him up with the blanket. I didn't hear anything they said as I stared into the space filled with everything that was Jeremy. Stefan came out of the room and stopped when he saw me. "Dawn." He said as I glanced up at him. "Come downstairs. Let me explain." He said as he pulled me by my arm.

"Explain what, Stefan?" I said numbly. "Explain how my brother is dead." I kept staring into his room as Elena waited by his side. Stefan stayed quiet as I pulled my arm from his hold and walked into my brother's room. I stood at the foot of the bed as the air in the room went still. Elena turned her head to see me. She quickly got up.

"Dawn, it's okay. The ring will bring him back." She kept saying as I stared down at my brother as Elena hugged me. I saw nothing and felt nothing. "We just have to wait." She said as I pulled away from her. I walked over to Jeremy's body. I knew he wouldn't come back, but I had nothing else to hope for.

"The ring will bring him back," I repeated as I sat down next to him. 


I stepped out of the room for a moment to get something from mine. I wanted to sketch while I waited for Jeremy to wake up from death. I knew it was a long shot, but it's better than thinking about the same thing I was thinking all night. I grabbed my book off my bed as I turned to see the canvas again. The burnt page was still burning, but the flame was small now. I sighed as I left my room and made my way into his room to find Meredith speaking to Elena in a gentle voice. Stefan was there if anything were to happen. "I need you to release the body to me. We'll get him to a funeral home and prepare him for a viewing where you and his friends can say good-bye to him." She tried to explain. But each word was like daggers to Elena. She looked like she was going to explode, but before she was able to, the room went cold as my blood ran icy. The three of them turned to me. "Dawn, I didn't know you were here."

"Well, where else would I be, Meredith?" I asked as I stepped into the room. "This is my house, too. Or do you forget that I live here?" I said as I turned to Stefan and Meredith. "He is my brother too. And he's not dead."

"Dawn." Stefan tried, but suddenly his hand went to his neck like he was choking.

"Don't try to explain to me, Stefan," I said as I stared at him as he fell to his knees. "You are so scared about what Elena will do that you forget about me," I said as I turn to the said person. "But it's okay. I am used to it. As long as I have my brother, I will be fine. So, tell me, Meredith. Tell me to release the body." I said as I stepped closer to her. "Tell me to give you my brother. Tell me to let him go. Tell me anything." I said as she backed up into the wall. The dark energy around us surged through me and onto her. Her eyes widened as the air was pulled from her lungs. "And I will kill you," I said as Stefan choked on blood.

"Elena..." I heard someone say from the side. I looked to see that it was Matt. He seemed to smell something as he slowly turned his head to where Jeremy laid. Elena went to comfort him as tears came to his eyes. I turned back to Meredith and pulled the energy back from her. She looked at me with fear as Stefan came to her side. I didn't say anything; I just turned away from them to look at my brother still on his bed. I grabbed my book, sat next to him, and waited for him to open his eyes again. 

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