Chapter 20 Daddy Issues

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I woke up to the annoying sound of a ringing phone. I rolled over in the bed to pick it up but was stopped by an arm across my body. I looked down at it confused for a moment. Then I followed the arm to it's owner. It belong to Damon. Right.... That happened last night. I slowly tried to remove the arm so I could get out of bed. But it wrapped around me more and pulled me closer. "Where are you trying to go?" I heard his ask as his lips found my neck.

"Home." I tried again with no luck. "You know that place where I live." I felt him smirk.

 "Oh, so you were just going to have sex with me and run?" he pulled me closer to his body if that was even possible.

"I was trying to comfort you." I tried again. Nope, not budgeing.

"Well, consider me comforted." He kissed my shoulder and the phone rang again.

"Are you going to answer that?"

"I don't really want to. I would rather go another round with you." I smirked and shook my head. I finally was able to sit up but he still wasn't letting go.

"Answer the damn thing."

"Fine." He answered it. "What?"He listened for a moment and then turned to me. "Yeah, she is with me." Hesmiled and I turned to grab my phone. "Of cource, Stefan we will be rightthere." He hung up the phone. He glanced back at me and picked up my hand. Hebrought it up to his mouth and kissed it. "We have to go." We then got up andgot dressed.


 I walked into my house and closed the door behind me. My phone rang again. I didn't looked at it. Instead, I dropped my bag by the door and made my way into the kicthen. I opened the fridge and got out a water bottle. I closed the door and turned to see Tyler standing there. I jumped and dropped the bottle.

"Oh, my god. You scared the crap out of me." I said as I bent down and picked it back up.

"Sorry, but I have been trying to reach you all morning." He explained.

"Oh, yeah. I was about to call you back. But I wanted a drink first." I stepped around him. "So, what did you need?"

"I wanted to tell you something. More like warn you about something."

"Okay, what?" I placed the bottle on the counter.

"Damon and Stefan are dangerous. You need to stay away from them." He stated.

"What do you mean?"

"Its hard to explain by I need you to understand that I am trying to protect you."

"From what? Tyler, what are you not telling me?" I tried to get him to say it.

"they're vampires." I looked at him. When and how did he find out?

"Umm, Tyler..."

"I know sounds impossible but it's the turth." He tried to convince me. I placed my hand on his arm.

 "Tyler, I already know." He looked taken-back by the news.

"What? So you knew? Did you know about me?" I sighed not wanting to talk about this right now.

"Yes, I know that you're a werewolf. Caroline filled me in."

"If you knew, then why didn't you say anything?" I turned away from me.

"I didn't want to just walk up to you and 'Hey, how is everything going for you? but by the way, I know you're a werewolf.' I wanted you to tell me."

"So you know about Stefan and Damon and Caroline?" I nodded.

"Tyler, I'm sorry." I tried to get him to looked at me. But he pushed me away.

"Did you know about Mason?" I stared at him. I ran my tongue across my bottom lip. I didn't know to say. He then grabbed my shoulders and shook me. "Did you?!" He yelled.

"Yes, I did." He pushed my back and I slammed into the fridge. "Tyler, I'm sorry." I shouted at him. He ran out of the house. I tried to caught up to him but when I got to the door, he was gone.


 I walked into the grill looking for Damon. I spoted him with Elena. She was on the phone. I ran up to them and they looked at me. When then went into the bathroom. "Why am I just now finding out about this." He asked me and Elena

"Because we know you, Damon." Elena said.

"I just found out about it about an hour ago." I said as Damon stepped closer to me.

"What do you mean, Dawn?" She turned to me.

"Tyler came by the house to warn me about Stefan and Damon. Then I told him I already knew about everything. He did not like the answer." I said as I rolled my shoulders a bit.

"Are you okay?" Damon asked as he set his hand on my arm.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It was just a bit push." I smiled.

"Besides he needs to die anyways." Elena and I both looked at Damon.

"What, no. You are not killing Tyler."

"Do whatever you need to do to get Caroline back but leave Tyler alone." Elena said.

"Why? He's a werewolf. He needs to die. I'm willing to kill. It's a win-win." He explained.

"No, its not. Tyler doesn't need to die. You just want to kill him. There is a difference." I pointed at him.

 "Damon, please, ok? Too many people are dead." Elena tried to reason with him while she placed her hands on his arms. She had a sad puppy face on.

"You need to stop doing that." He told her as she put down her hands.

"Doing what?" she asked with an inocent look.

"Assuming I will play the good guy just because you asked me." He straighted himself and looked towards me. I stepped to me and placed a kiss on my forhead before turning to the opening door.

"Whats going on here?" John asked as he walked in.

"Nothing." Elena said.

"Doesn't look like nothing." John answered.

"Well, guess what John. Trust works two ways. Get out." Damon said from beside me.

"Look we don't have time for this. We need to help Caroline." I said to them all.

"We don't need to. I will help her." Damon said as he took my hand. He turned to John. "First dad duty: Ground your daughter. Make sure she doesn't follow." Damon then pulled me out of the bathroom with him.

When we were outside the Grill, I pulled him back. "Okay two things. One: what is with the affectionate stuff?"

"That I will answer later. And the second?"

"If the kind side isn't going to to get to you, then second: if you kill Tyler, I will not care if you are older and stronger then me. I will hurt you down and drive a stake threw your heart. Got it?"

"I got it loud and clear." He kissed my hand. "Anything else?"

"Just the first thing."

"Okay good. Bye." With that, he left.


I waited outside of Caroline's house with Elena and Bonnie. Stefan knocked on the door. Caroline answered after a few minutes.

"Hey, I was worried about you. After everything that happened tonight." he told her.

"I'm fine." She smiled at him.

"Well, good. But just in case, I brought some back up." The three of us walked up to Caroline.

"I think we are gonna slummber it." Elena said.

"We haven't done it for ages." Bonnie smiled.

"I got the ice cream. All six of them." I sad as I held up the bag. Caroline smiled at us and then opened her arms. We all gladly stepped in them for a much need hug. 

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