Chapter 23 Klaus

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Happy 4th of July. I wanted to update this earlier but family comes first for me. Anyways, so far out of all the chapters I think that the next few are my best. (Well, so far anyway.) But I hope yall are having a happy holiday and are spending time with your families. Love you and happy reading! 

oh, by the way. the necklace as shown is suck on her neck until later. 


I woke to the smell of Bacon being cooked downstairs. I quickly sat up in my bed. My hand went to my neck and felt around for anything. I stood up from my bed and went straight to my mirror. I moved my hair to the side so I could get a better look. There was no bite mark but there was only a bit of dried blood. I jumped when I heard a voice from downstairs. It was his. "Dawn, come down. Breakfast is ready." I scoffed at the thought. I could feel my necklace heat up. I turned and went to my nightstand to look for my phone. But it wasn't there. it was gone. "Dawn. Do you want me to come up there and get you because I am more than happy too?"

I opened my door and headed down the stairs. I walked into the kitchen and saw Klaus/Alaric standing there cooking. I brought my hands up to my chest. "What the hell is this?" I asked.

"I made you breakfast. Come sit." He gestured over to the table. "We can eat together."

"I am not eating anything made by you." I scoffed as he brought plates to the table. "In fact, I'm not staying in this house with you," I said as I made my way to the back door and opened it. I tried to leave but this force was preventing me from leaving. I pushed harder but it was like a wall was there. 

"Something wrong?" he asked as he sat down at the table with a smirk. "I thought you were leaving." I turned to look at him. I shook my head and made my way to the front door. I opened it and tried to get through it. but the same thing happened. The wall stopped me. "You better eat before it gets cold."

I made my way back to the kitchen. "You son of bitch. What did you do? Why can't I leave?" I asked him as he just sat there.

"I did this so we could spend the day together."

"Why the hell would I want to spend any time with you?" I said as I made my way around the table.

"I have missed you, Dawn. I really have. And your protective friends are getting in the way of me spending time with you." He got up from the table and went to the fridge. "so, I took matters into my own hands. It only lasts a day. Until the sun sets." He grabbed a bottle of wine and opened it. he poured to glasses and held one out to me.

"Where's my phone?" I leaned on the chair in front of me.

"I have it. and I will give it back to you later."

"Let me guess, you can leave whenever you want." He placed the wine glass down and took a sip out of his.

"Yes." He smiled at me. "Now sit and eat. You will need your energy."

"Look, just because you have me trapped in this house, doesn't mean I am going to sit down at the table and eat with you. Actually, it doesn't even mean that I have to talk to you." I pointed out as I stepped closer to him. "You killed my friends last night and bit me. You can go to hell." I said as I left the room. I could hear him laughing as I went upstairs to my room. I slammed the door behind me.


After about two hours of being in my room, I heard a knock on my door. I didn't look up from my canvas. But the door opened and I knew who it was. I continued to paint as he walked in. "I see you still like to paint." I ignored him. I grabbed some more paint from my shelf. "You're really not going to talk to me." I moved the brush down the canvas and I heard a chuckle. "You're not going to ask me anything? Like about the ritual? My life? Or even yours?" I stopped for a moment to look at the painting in front of me. Then started again.

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