Chapter 26: As I lay dying

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I woke up with a jolt. I sprang up from the couch and looked around. I felt a dampness on my face. I wiped my hand across my face. I was crying. I looked to the right and saw Stefan and Katherine talking. "Stefan?" I asked.

Then Katherine sped Stefan against a wall. I heard the door start to open to reveal Klaus and Elijah walking into the apartment. Klaus looked at me and was instanly next to me. He rubbed his thumb on my cheek but I pushed his hand away. "Bad dream." Was all I said.

"I bet, love." He smiled at me. Then he viewed the surroundings and saw the broken laptop and table. "What happened here?" I didn't look at him. I didn't want to. I heard him sigh. "Fine, no need to tell me, I think I could guess." He stood up from where he was and turned to Stefan.

"I need your help for my brother," Stefan said as he walked forwards.

"Well, whatever it is, it's going to have to wait. I have matters with my brother to deal with." He said as he went to grab something from another room. I stood up from where was and made my way to the kitchen.

"You understand how important family is or you wouldn't be here. My brother gave me his word that he would reunite me with mine." Elijah said as he took a few steps.

"And so, I shall," Klaus said from behind Elijah. And when he turned to face his devious brother, Elijah was met with a dagger. Elijah gasped out and leaned on his brother. I watched as his body turned a sickly grey. I jumped when I heard the thud of the body hitting the floor. Klaus then sped over to Stefan and slammed him to the wall that Katherine had him on. "Now, what to do with you?" He then shoved a stake in his stomach. Stefan groaned and leaned over. "The slightest little movement and you're dead." Stefan groaned again.

"Nik, stop." I gasped out as I stepped closer to the scene. "He's just trying to help his brother." I quickly explained. Klaus seemed to pause for a moment and snapped his head to me. He pulled the stake from Stefan's body who fell to his knees.

"The witches said you had a cure for a werewolf bite." Stefan continued. "Name your price I will do anything." But it seems like Klaus wasn't listening at all.

"What did you just say, Dawn?" he asked as he pointed the bloodied stake at me.

"What?" I was confused.

"What did you say?" He stepped to me.

"I – I just said your name." I stuttered. He smiled and pulled me against his body. He then walked us to the bar. He gestured for me to sit and I did. He placed the stake down on the counter.

"Trouble is Stefan, I don't know if you would be any good to me like you are now. You are just shy of useless." He poured himself some blood then drank it. Ewe. I had to look away.

Klaus walked around Stefan while he was on the ground. "I heard about this one vampire always on and off the wagon for decades. When he was off, he was magnificent. 1917, he went to Monterey and wiped out an entire village. A true ripper. Sound familiar?" I rolled my eyes at the drama. I stood up from where I was. I so need a shower. I walked away from the scene. "Where are you going, love."

"Away from this," I said as I walked in the bathroom.

Before the door closed, a hand was on the door. I looked up to see Klaus. He held up some clothes for me. I took them and then shut the door. I leaned on the door and locked it. Locking it won't really do anything but it was just for me. I turned on the water and sighed. I undressed and jumped in while the water was warm enough. I washed away the exhaustion of the last few days. I sat under the water for a minute or two. I just want to go home. I then turned off the water and wrapped the towel around me. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked tired, but that is what happens when most of your old memories come back to you. I signed again and got dressed. 

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