Chapter 61 American Gothic

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I pulled into a small town where Bex's trail ended

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I pulled into a small town where Bex's trail ended. I looked down at my phone to make sure I was in the right place, and sure enough, I was. I looked around for the ceratin blonde when my phone rang. I looked down at the Caller ID. I answered it on the second ring. "What do you want? I'm busy." I said into the phone.

"Silas attacked me," Klaus spoke into the phone.

"What? Are you okay?" I asked as I crossed the street.

"No, he stabbed me with the white oak stake. A piece is still in my back." He struggled out. "He wants the cure. But I don't have it."

"You don't, but Katherine does. Lucky for us, everyone is on that trail, and I am on hers." I explained as I peered into the car that held Bex's phone. "But, I am like a hundred miles away from you, so I can't come to help you." I heard him groan out in pain. "Hey, it's okay. I'll call Caroline and tell her to help you, okay?"

"Okay, if anything happens. Call me, and I will come." He struggled to get out. "Thank you, love."

"Yup, I will be back a quickly as I can," I said as I glanced around the town. I quickly dialed Caroline before I continued my search. She picked up after the second ring.

"Hello?" She said.

"Care, I need a favor," I said as I stepped to the side. "I need you to go to Klaus' house and help him get the white oak stake out of his back. I would, but I am not in town at the moment." I explained.

I heard her sigh into the call. "Fine. But you owe me, Dawn Gilbert." I smiled and rolled my eyes.

"Okay, I will help you with whatever you want when I get back," I said as I hung up the phone. I glanced around the town again. Okay, Katherine, here I come.


I was just around the corner when I saw Damon and Stefan pull up next to Elena and Bex's car. "This is definitely the car they stole." I heard Stefan say.

"Points to them for their choice of vehicles," Damon said as he looked in the car windows.

"So, let me ask you something," Stefan said as he looked around for any signs of the girls. "What happens when we find Elena? How do we get her back to Mystic Falls? I mean, she's not exactly gonna go quietly. And she has an original vampire as her bodyguard."

"We do whatever we have to do," Damon said as he turned to Stefan. "I don't care if we have to throw Rebekah under a school bus and wrap Elena in a burlap sack. We do whatever we have to do." Damon turned to look down the street.

"I'm serious." Stefan continued.

"I am, too." Damon countered with anger in his voice. "I don't care what Elena wants right now. She's this close to going off the rails for good. And that ain't happening. She's a pain enough as it is."

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