Chapter 19 By the light of the full moon.

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Sorry that this is so late but stuff happened with my family and I really didn't feel like posting last week. Also with the surprise trip to the Aunt's house. Anyways that isn't your problem. Here are the next two chapters. Happy reading!!


I jolt awake from where I was laying. I surveyed the room I was in. I heard voices behind the closed door. I puuled my legs to the edge of the bed. I pushed myself up. I staggered over to the door and jiggled the handle. It was un-locked. I twisted the handle and pulled it open. I made my way over to the voices. I turned the corner and there I saw Elijah talking to some man I haven't seen before. I moved into the room and placed my hand on my head. I couldn't hear anything that they were saying, even though they were right infront of me. "Where the hell am I?" I asked and they turned to looked at me.

"You are at a friend's." Elijah answered as he came to me.

"Your friend's or mine?" I asked as he ushered me to the table.

"Mine." I sat down and placed my head in my hands.

"What happened to me?" The man I didn't know placed a glass of water infront of me. "And who are you?"

"I am a friend of Bonnie's." He stated. "But what happened to you is the same thing that happened to my son last night."

"Which was?" I pushed him to answer.

"Bonnie was channeling you. but in your case, she didn't know that she was channeling you. She took away a lot of your energy and magic."

"Magic?" I looked up at him. "I'm not a witch."

He sighed, "You don't have to be a witch to possess magic. It is just in you. You're..."

"Special. Yeah, I heard that before." I took a sip of water. "Is that why Klaus wants me? Because I have magic?"

"No, why he wants you is a completely different reason." Elijah answered. "He wants you because you are important to him. To my family."

"What the hell does that even mean?" I was getting frustrated. "How am I important?"

"Lets just say, you are connected to him." Elijah took my cup and refilled it.

"Connected how?"

"Tell me. Have you had any visions? Or seen something that wasn't there? Or heard a voice in your head?" My eyes widened.


"You are connected to him.." He leaned over me. I gazed up into his eyes. I saw his eyes dialate.

 "Are you trying to compel me?" I asked and he stepped back. "It won't work on me. And you can check if I have any vervain on me, I don't."

"Interesting." Both men said. I told up out of the chair and walked over to the door.

"Why did you say 'I will always protect my family'? Am I like family to you?" I asked Elijah and he looked to the man who nodded his head and left the room.

"You are family." He stated as he stepped closer. "A long time ago, when we first came here, there was a girl. My parents treated her as if she was one of us. But she was the closest to my brother, Klaus. They did everything together. He ended up marrying her." I stared at him as he told the story. "When we were turned into vampires, he turned her. They wanted to spend eternity together. But that didn't happen. A few hundred years, later she was killed. The loss of her devastated him and tore my family apart. She was everything to us. She kept us together."

"I'm so sorry." I said. "So I remind you of her?"

"I didn't think it was possible for her come back but she did."

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