Chapter 9 The Turning Point

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" Hey, D." I looked over to my door to find Jeremy.

I smiled at him as I pulled out my outfit for the day. "Hey what?"

"Do you have any chalk I could borrow?"

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"Do you have any chalk I could borrow?"

"Yea, sure." I went over to my art supplies and got out a box of old black chalk. "Here, you can keep it." I handed it to him.

"Thanks." He took it and left the room. I was happy he was drawing again. I put on my outfit for the day and made my way downstairs with Elena behind me. She talked to Jenna for a bit but I ignore her. I don't want to talk to her. I checked my phone as they walked out of the house. I heard a car horn go off and I went outside and saw Bonnie waiting for me. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my bag and went out. I got in the car and she drove off. When the car stopped at school, I got out and walked in the building.

"Is something up with Dawn? She barly said two words in the car." I heard Bonnie ask Elena.

"I may have yelled at her the other day."

"What? Why did you do that?"

"She kept trying to show me her drawings and it was just after that whole Emily thing at the house. So I snapped."

"Well, maybe she really wanted to show us something." Bonnie tried to reason. I didn't really hear the rest because I saw Tyler.

"Hey." I said to him.

"Hey." He was looking over at Caroline and Matt. "Did you know that was a thing?" He pointed at them.

"No, I didn't. It must be new." I turned to him. "But I heard from a little birdy that something of yours is going to be in the career fair tonight."

"How did you know?" He wrapped an arm around me.

"I asked." We walked off to our class. "I can't wait to see it. I bet its good."

"Really? Well I bet it will be bad." He said with a smile. I laughed and took a seat next to him as class was about to start.


 My phone kept ringing as the school ended. I finally picked it up. "What do you want, Damon?"

"I need a favor." He said through the phone. "I need help tracking a vampire. You can go with Caroline."

"Damon, again, stay away from Caroline." I rolled my eyes.

"She found him. I will let her go in and meet him."

I sighed. "Fine, come pick me up."

"Already there." I turned and saw he was behind me. "Let's go." We walked off-campus. The next thing I knew we were at this factory outside of town. He said a few things to Caroline before she smiled at him and left.

"You seriously need to leave her alone," I said as I walked up the steps.

"Yeah, tell me something I don't know." He said as he opened the door. "Stay behind me." I nodded and we walked in the building. He made sure that I was behind him the whole time. He turned right and started to explore. Then I heard gunshots and I yelled out. I saw Damon fall to the ground. I crouched down next to him. Logan came out of the shadows and stalked towards us.

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