Chapter 8 History Repeating

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Sorry, that this chapter is a bit short. Dawn wasn't really needed much in this episode. Feel free to continue reading. And comment on your thoughts if you want. 


I walked up to my sister and Bonnie while there were having lunch.

"I think I am being haunted."

"By what?" I asked as I sat down.

"My ancestor, Emily." I could feel my face turn white. "Grams says that she was a powerful witch back in the civil war days and that this necklace was hers." She held up the necklace that was around her neck.

"Maybe she wants to communicate," I asked.

"Well, whatever it is I don't want it." She said as she touched her necklace.

"Well, I have to tell you guys something," I said as I pulled out my book. I heard Elena scoffed.

"Dawn, this isn't the time to talk about your new art project. Bonnie is having a real issue." She said to me. I looked at her stunned.

"What makes you think that this has nothing to do about Bonnie's issue," I asked as I started to open my book.

"Because we know you. Whenever someone has a problem, you always find a way to make it about you." She crossed her arms over her chest.

"No, I don't." I found the page I was looking for. "Look, this is serious."

"No, Dawn it's not." She and Bonnie got up from the table. "There are some things more important than your art." They walked away. My hand was on the page with Emily Bennett and I just watched them go. I swallowed some spit in my throat. I was don't understand what just happened. I closed my book and got up from the table. Then I walked to my next class. 


I came out of school to go to the parking lot to wait for Bonnie and Elena. So I can tell them what I wanted to earlier. As I was approaching the car, I saw Damon talking to Bonnie. She was scared and he just kept pushing. "And the next time Emily comes out to play, tell her. A deal is a deal." He said as he opened the door for her. He stalked away but then turned and saw me. He approached me. "Hey, D." I went to walk around him but he grabbed my arm. "Come on, you're not still mad." He asked as if I was supposed to forgive him for what he did.

"I told you only my friends call me D." I pulled my arm away from him. When I looked up, I saw that Bonnie's car was gone. Thanks, Bonnie.

"Oh, it looks like you are need of a way home." He said and circled around me. "I could take you home. All you have to do is ask."

"Asking implies forgiving you. That would mean that killing your brother's best friend was the right thing to do." I walked away from him. "And I don't believe that."

"Then what do you believe?" He walked beside me.

"I believe that you need something from me." I stopped dead in my tracks and turned to glare at him. "Or why else would you continuously hang around me? It's not because you care. You have implied that you don't. It's not because you like me. Because that would just be ridiculous." He smirked at me. "So what do you want, Damon?" I am so tired of this game he is playing. One minute, he is nice to me and comforting me. Then the next he is threatening my friends.

"I told you last night. I don't want you to hate me." He was still smirking.

"Well, threatening my friends, isn't going to get me to like you." I walked off and this time he didn't follow. I guess I am walking home. I ended up in the Grill. I walked over to one of the booths and sat down. I pulled out my book and looked over the page with Emily on it. The waiter came over and I ordered a lemonade. I flipped to a blank page and plugged in my headphones. The waiter gave me my drink and I thanked him. I sat there and sketched. After a while, I noticed a pattern. I stopped and looked at the picture. It was Damon and Stefan. There was a date at the bottom. It was a year. 1864. What the hell?

I quickly packed up my book and left the Grill. I ran home. I opened the door at the same time as Elena. She looked surprised and Caroline said that she is leaving.

"Elena, wait." I grabbed her arm. "I need to show you something."

"Not now, Dawn. I have to find Bonnie." She said as she went out the door.

"Elena, this is about Bonnie," I stressed.

"No, its about your art. Dawn, no one wants to see it. I don't care." she yelled at me. "Right now, Bonnie is trouble. And all you care about is your drawings."

"No, Elena. This is important."

"No, Dawn. It's not." She walked away and pulled out her phone. She called Stefan. I walked into the house and was shocked that she still won't listen to me. I slammed the door behind me. I ran upstairs and into my room. I dropped my bag on the ground and fell on my bed. I stared up at the ceiling and waited for sleep to take over.

After a while, I heard the doorbell ring. I got up and went downstairs to see who it was. Jenna answered the door and there stood Logan Fell. I made my way to the bottom of the steps.

"Logan," Jenna said as she held the door open.

"Aren't you gonna invite me in?" He said with a smirk.

"Why are you here?" I asked as I made my way over to Jenna.

"I missed you, Jenna. I was out of town."

"Yea, I got your email." She rolled her eyes at the thought of it.

"My email?" He looks taken back.

"You didn't send an email," I asked him.

"I can explain. Just invite me in and I will explain everything." I scoffed at him.

"No, I am not going to invite you in." She said.

"You should leave. You've done enough." I said as I took the door in my hand and Jenna moved away.

"I know you, Jenna. You're always one step from maybe, a tiny nudge from yes." He smirked and tried to persuade her which is failing.

"You just said that I have no self-control." She shook her head.

"Good job." I shut the door in his face. I walked over to Jenna. "Are you okay?"

"Yea, I'm fine. I'm going to bed." She said as she went upstairs. I walked into the kitchen and got some water. Logan Fell. Jerk. 

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