chapter 051

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Hello guys, sorry for the long wait. Further chapters will take a little longer as well.

I actually found out that I am finally pregnant and even with twins! So everything is going a little different. Without further ado, here's the next chapter!

"So you're my sister for the day?" Jasper hears Emmett asks and he smirks. Alex was a really sore loser but Jasper had no intention of switching the dare. He did not like the fact that his brother and his girlfriend were not on speaking terms, when they just became really good friends.

"No, brother." Jasper holds back a chuckle as Alex mutters those words. "We're switching entire places."

"So how did that come to be exactly?" Though Rosalie could be a sour puss, she loved agitating people. She didn't pass on the apportunity to make Alex even more uncomfortable.

"I don't want to talk about it." The latter grumbles.

"Oh but I do." Jasper smiles as he walks inside the room. He looks at Alex and almost stops the entire happening. No, this will be good. "You see-.."

"Yes yes," Alex stands up and rushes over to clamp a hand over his mouth. He smirks at the fire in her eyes. "You're amazing in hunting." He peals her hand away from his mouth and smiles at her.

"If you really don't want to do-.."

"I really don't." She immediately replies. He raises an eyebrow and Alex sighs dramatically. "But I don't have a choice. You won. Now have fun being me." He leans over and pecks her lips, savouring the feeling.

"Have fun being a man."

"Have fun being yourself." She smiles and quickly pecks his cheek before running away. He frowns and realises that she is calling him a girl.

"Hey?!" Emmett laughs loudly before Jasper makes his way towards the door. "Have fun."


"Hello." Jasper casually says as he struts into the Spure's backyard. Peter was sitting on the infamous picnic blanket and he raises a glass of an alcoholic drink towards the newcomer before pointing towards an open space next to him.

"So I got a brother now?" Jasper smiles at the similarities between their families.

"Sort of." Peter hands Jasper a bottle and the clink them together.

"To family." Peter lays down and looks at the stars. "Normally family game night would be around now." Jasper looks at the brother of his mate and frowns. "Guess we'll do that tomorrow or something. What do you want to do?" Peter looks over to the blond vampire and sees him shrug.

"Are you the only two Spure's?" Jasper suddenly asks and Peter narrows his eyes, taking in his sister's boyfriend. He had seen how happy he made her, how happy she made him. Peter was glad. Finally she had moved on a bit from her past, he knew that they were working on it. He also knew that Jasper had some working on himself to do. It was beautiful to see how they did something like that together.

"We are now, I think." Peter looks back at the stars and frowns. Jasper - feeling that this was going to be a long story - lays beside Peter and looks at the sky as well, while listening to the man beside him.

"And back then?"

"We used to be a rather large family." Peter sighs and takes a sip before going on. "Our parents of course, but we had around 9 siblings total. One girl."


"Alexandra." Peter corrects and Jasper chuckles. She hated the name. "My official name is Pietro. We like to stay close to the original." He shrugs and smiles. "We all adored her, but she took towards our youngest the most. Of course she loved us all. She was only two years older than him and protecting him as if he were her own." Jasper smiles but quickly stops as he turns towards Peter.

"But Alex told me that she didn't know.. how did you-.."

"She doesn't remember. At least, for as far as I know. We don't really talk about it. And when we do, it's as if she only remembers me. The thing is, when she changed.. I was the only one at home. And when she turned, ditto. I think that she only remembers me because I was there for her major break throughs."

"And because you're here now." Jasper nods.

"Not necessarily, there was one more that changed." Jasper frowns at this part of the story. It was something that he did not expect. "Our eldest. Amos." Peter sits upright. "Wanna play a game?" Jasper shakes his head.

"Tell me about Amos." Peter narrows his eyes.

"I can't really remember." He sighs once more. "Alex and I.. we stuck together but Amos fled as soon as he saw what we were. I asked Harvey-.." Peter looks over towards Jasper. "You know Harvey right?"

"Well I don't know him persay."

"No but Alex told you about him right?"

"Yeah, one of your best friends right?" Peter nods. "Together you are splitting one-.."

"Yes Alex thinks that we are really dumb together." Peter rolls his eyes jokingly. "No but anyway, Harvey has connections all over the world. More than Alex and I have. Last he heard was that he was being hinted and that he had been killed."

Jasper frowns and wraps a blanket around his body. He didn't feel the cold, but he had been acting more human since he met Alex. It was true what they said; you turn into who you are closest to.

"And Alex has no idea?"

"No idea."

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