chapter 70

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"When did you know?" Peter asks Jasper and Jasper smiles as he remembers listening to Alex' voicemails about zodiacs and all the things that didn't seem important.

"I'm sorry for all the rambling," she suddenly says. "I just wanted to say that I miss you very dearly."

"I think I've always known."


"Jasper?" Alex frowns as she looks at the calender, they weren't supposed to meet up until 3 days later and it was at his place. She walks up to him and hugs him close. "You could be seen."

"They know that we're still in a relationship right?" Alex nods slowly while she tightens her arms. Even though they saw each other often, she missed him when he was gone. "So that could be explained." She lets go of him and looks around the kitchen.

"You cooked?" He nods and smiles at her while gesturing towards the dining table. It was completely set up for two people, though the cutlery was only on one side. Both had glasses of wine, probably their special wine.

"Please, sit ma'am." He pulls out a chair for her and she sits down. "You know, I've been thinking.." Alex frowns, that was never a good way to start a conversation. "Will you marry me?" Her eyes widen and she turns to Jasper, who is on one knee and holding a small box with an old looking ring in it. It was the one that Peter had given to his beautiful wife, it was one of Peter's most beloved artifacts.


"We don't have to get married right away." Jasper says and she looks him right in the eye. "I know marriage is something that you don't really think about.. but I do. Well, with you anyways." Alex chuckles and he smiles at her. "It's a promise to one another. That we want to spend the rest of our lives together. We could be engaged for eternity if you'd like. No planning until you are ready."

Alex smiles at the words, they were what he thought that she wanted to hear but she knew how Jasper's mind worked and she knew that he wanted to spend eternity together, not waiting years before finally getting married. And she had been thinking about it. Alex hadn't felt these emotions and connections before. They were foreign and she was curious, though scared. She knew that what she felt was love and what she was receiving from him was love.

"You are allowed to say no." Alex could hear the hurt that he was trying to camouflage.

"No," She stutters out. "Yes.. I mean yes." A smile grows on his lips. He gently grabs her left hand and looks up to her as she slightly pulls back.

"Are you having doubts."

"It's not that," she sighs and thinks of her past. "I don't want to go further with secrets." The look of curiosity on his face is gone almost as soon as it appears.

"I understand." He sits down on the ground in front of her and keeps her hand in his.

"Carlisle got away from the Volturi pretty much unscathed right?" Jasper nods. "Well, many wanted to follow and so did we." She sighs. "They weren't as lenient-.."

"Congratulations!" Peter and Harvey walk in the room and start making noise with a guitar (Peter) and pots and pans (Harvey).

Jasper looks past Alex and she slowly turns around, looking slightly irritated. The two men stop and look at the pair with goofy smiles until they realise that Alex does not have a ring on her finger and Jasper is still sitting.

"You couldn't hear that we weren't done?" Jasper asks and raises an eyebrow.

"Well, you told us not to listen in."

"And you listened?" Jasper was not used to siblings actually listening to requests. Privacy was a luxury that they didn't have.

"It was hard, but Harvey was bitching-.."

"I wasn't bitching-.."

"Whining then."

"I was not whining."

"Guys," Alex' voice low and the two stop their discussion as they look at the female Spure. "Can you go?" The two nod immediately and scramble out of the door, probably towards the wolves. Alex sighs and closes her eyes with a small shake of her head. "Where was I?"

"The Volturi wasn't as lenient?" She shakes her head.

"They were not." She remembers how furious Caius had been and though Aro could hide it well, he was angry as well.

She starts to explain that they had come to a deal and that both Peter and she were to do the odd job now and then. They had drawn up a contract and that was why she was alone when the Cullens came to school and where she had disappeared too when the Cullen siblings were searching for her and why she had her own hide away where even Peter couldn't find her and that they found out that she had one more 'tour' to go on.

"I'm sorry." He simply says and Alex furrows her eyebrows.

"You're sorry?"

"That you have had to carry that with you in secret." Alex feels her eyes starting to burn. "I do understand now that you were so freaked when Edward saw your mind." He starts to chuckle. "Must've scared that man so bad that he'd start sitting seven different colors." Alex snorts and feels the tears start to fall down.

"You're not angry with me for keeping it to myself?" He smirks.

"Ma'am, I think we don't even know half of each other's past." He stands up and pulls her up with him. "It does not really change my question," he grabs her hand, holds up the ring and looks at her. "Will you marry me?"

Alex notices his eyes looking away from her and towards the door. She turns around and sees Harvey and Peter looking around the corner.

"Are you willing to have them in your family?" Jasper chuckles and nods. "Than I would love to marry you."

"I would love so too." He replies with a smile and she nods.

"Well, that's good. Otherwise it'd be awkward."

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