chapter 014

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Alex arrives back on the shore near the lake house and waits for Jasper, knowing that he followed her close by. She looks at the edge and sees his blond mop of hair coming up as he pulls himself onto the land. She looks at him and his drenched clothes and takes in a sharp breath. His lean muscles were visible and she hated to admit that she liked it.

"Enjoying the view?" He smirks as he looks her up and down as well.

"Not as much as you I think." She smirks before walking inside to get changed into clothes that were already there. She starts the fireplace and looks at the embers before walking into the kitchen.

Jasper slowly walks down the stairs as he notices the fire and the smell of cooking. This was what he wanted years ago. He wanted to come home from a long day of fighting and greet his wife who was cooking them dinner while a fire made the house warm so they could withstand the winters. He shakes his head at the thought, he couldn't eat and the fire could be his death.

"Sorry," she apologizes as she turns whatever is in the pan. "I get really hungry after a swim." She puts it on a plate and he notices the courgette carbonara, only knowing this because Esme made it a few times so they could appear human.

"Go right ahead." She places herself in one of the lounge chairs and tucks a feet under her body and looks at him while she starts to eat.

"I mean," she quickly swallows the bite. "You can talk while I eat." She says with a shrug and Jasper narrows his eyes at her nonchalance. He could kill her in a minute and here she was, swimming and eating as if he was not the most dangerous monster to ever exist. "Is there a problem?" She asks him as she focus her gaze on his.

"How can you be like this?" She raises an eyebrow.

"What? Hungry?" She chuckles. "I have to eat, don't I?" He shakes his head with a smile before turning serious.

"Not scared." He replies. She scoffs.

"Oh dear," her voice as if talking to a child. "There are only few times where I am scared." He frowns.

"What would those times be?" She shakes her fork at him.

"No no," she looks at him and he feels a little unsettled. "You asked me a question, now it's your turn to answer." He awaits her question. "I noticed that you're newer to the animal diet," he nods slowly, not knowing how she gained this information. "Why do you torture yourself by going to school?" Her concern visible in her voice and body.

He smiles awkwardly before answering. "So I'll get used to it."

"Then why'd the family leave you alone this afternoon?" He looks outside and notices the darkness. He wondered if she could change at will or if she changed with the full moon, if it was the latter, he would be in grave danger.

"No, it's your turn." He smirks at her and she smiles as she places her plate down and hugs her knees.

"The first time we turned." He raises an eyebrow, already having heard this story. "We had heard about what we were, but our parents died early on so we had no guidance. It hurts to turn you know," she looks at the flames and Jasper feels her pain. "Every time, only when you're angry you have the adrenaline so you don't feel it as much." He opens his mouth to ask something but she is quicker. "I changed this afternoon because I know the feelings you had." She smiles softly at him. "It was worth it." Her eyes focus on him and he feels something softening in his chest. "Your turn."

"I think they wanted to see how trustworthy you guys were." He admits a bit ashamed. She frowns. "They were close enough." She raises her eyebrows.

"Why would they just let you go with me?" He shrugs.

His phone starts to ring as if they heard them talking. He sees that it is Edward and he ends the call. Looking towards her.

"Not important enough?" He shakes his head, Edward had been calling him all afternoon but he found himself not wanting to pick up. Wanting to get to know Alex better. She smiles at him and looks back at the fire. "What's the next question?" She mutters softly, feeling herself getting cold. She walks towards the fireplace and pokes it a little, making the fire grow brighter.

"How old are you?" She quickly turns around.

"You don't ask a lady that." He scoffs.

"Lady." He mimics.

"I don't really know." She admits sheepishly. "We don't really count." She looks at him. "You?"

"I was born in 1844." Her eyes light up.

"I remember that year." He chuckles at her enthousiasm.

"How can you be alive?" He softly asks her as he leans in closer as if it were a secret that she is going to tell. And it is. So she decides not to share it and offers a shrug. "Alright, different question." He starts to think. He wanted to ask her about the paintings but he knew they had a long way to go before she decided to share it. "You had any other siblings?" She frowns at his question and looks back at the fire. He feels her walls going back up and starts to think of an other question.

"I don't know." She admits. "Favorite color?" She suddenly asks him and he feels compelled to reply with blue but knows that wasn't what she wanted nor needed to hear.

"Grey." He replies and she chuckles. "Favorite flower?" He asks her, knowing that they weren't going to be deep again.

"Daffodils." Her voice a small smile. "The orange ones, because it's my favorite color." He chuckles, now knowing two facts. "How did you get your scars?" She looks back at him with honest curiosity and he can't seem to shrug at her. He had seen the scars she had all over her body. So he starts his story by beginning with the fact that he joined the troops. She grabs a bottle of whisky, all the while listening closely to the blond boy that she had shared a secret with.


People are seriously reading the book! I'm so happy! I'd love some feedback.

Btw, I kind of like them being cute together. They should be like this more, no?

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