chapter 006

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Apparently when everyone had promised each other not to tell the other what they were, the Cullens had not talked about their children.

Alex and Peter could hear the dog jokes from outside and Alex looks at her brother with a flat expression, mouthing 'do we have to do this?' to him to which he just replies with a smile. He puts her arm in his and he pulls her along, knocking on the door and smiling towards it while Alex has a bottle in her other hand. She huffs as she hears everyone shut up and she hears one person walk towards the door.

Jasper opens it and smiles at the both of them and it takes everything in Alex not to rush up to him and slap that smirk of his face. Peter notices and wraps his arm around her and pulls her a little closer, letting her know that he is there with her. She smiles at her brother and grabs his hand, walking up towards Jasper and she smiles at him as well.

"Thank you for opening the door to you lovely home!" She says enthusiastically and she holds the bottle of juice out to him. "This was for the first to open the door, feel free to share it with your family." She smiles at him as she rolls his eyes, they both knew that vampires couldn't eat or drink.

"Thanks." He says as he gestures towards the living room. "Be our guest."

Alex spared no time in walking past him. He had confronted her a while back and since then he and she had a hate/love relationship. They were constantly making snide remarks at each other, but when there was a third - mostly Edward - they went at him with each other.

"Jasper Hale." He holds out his hand towards Peter and he says his name before shaking his hand.

The siblings had noticed that poor Jasper had been with the family the shortest, but they also knew that they were no threat. Even though they did not stink like wolves, it did mask the other parts. They had no heartbeat, nothing that would show that they're human.

"Alexandra!" Esme happily says and walks towards her with open arms. Apparently the picnic had turned out great. The vampire hugs Alex and sees Peter, welcoming him into her home as well. "We made some dinner for you two." She puts her arms behind the siblings and pushes them towards the large kitchen. "Nothing better than getting to know each other over food." She places the siblings in front of the kitchen island where two glasses of orange juice are freshly made and yells something around the house.

Alex and Peter look behind them as a soft voice greets them with a squeel. Alice.

"I knew you'd come around." The pixie haired girl says as she hugs Alex who laughs awkwardly and hugs her as well.

"Yes well," she lets go of the girl and looks at her. "Sometimes you have to put differences aside." She gestures towards Peter. "This is Peter." Alice smiles at him and engulfs him in a hug as well.

"Very nice to meet you."


Alex and Peter didn't feel strange when they ate and the Cullen's just sat there. They had done this before.

"How long have you been around?" Peter asks before taking a bite as he looks at Carlisle.

"I was born in London in 1640," he starts. He explains how he turned and how he remember his human life.

Alex looks around the table. The introductions went as smooth as you can think. Edward wasn't there so that was a relief. She had met the two gorgeous 'parents' just this morning and she already had quick introductions to the siblings, but this was different. It's like she is seeing them in a new light. Alex was a sucker for beautiful beings and she loved looking at them. Though all of them were different, they all were gorgeous. And Alex liked gorgeous. Peter however kept his hand on her arm to stop her from doing anything. It was a small town, people would talk.

"And the rest?" Peter kindly asks to the others. "If you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to." He adds, seeing Rosalie's face.

Alex was always a bit more open with what she liked. Who she liked. There were a few boys and girls in school who she liked. She didn't particularly enjoy one type of person, if they had beautiful souls in them, she would bend.

"I met Carlisle-.." Alex didn't really listen to Esme but knew that Peter would tell her afterwards. He knew of her inability to focus when there were vampires around. She had the same problem with the Volturi.

"How did you know you were wolves?" The question came sudden and it made the siblings edge on their seat. Alex looks at Jasper.

"After our parents died," Alex begins. " There was this anger in me. I've always had it a little, but this was different. Peter and I got into a lot of arguments." She turns towards her brother.

Apparently the Cullens hadn't figured out yet that they were siblings. It was easier that way, so she could keep it in her pants and no one would bother with her broken brother.

"A lot." He chuckles and lays an arm on her shoulders. "One was so bad, she started to shake. I was angred at her for overreacting and when I turned first, it was a shock for both of us. She got so angry that she turned as well. That night we ruined the house and a part of the forest where we lived." He chuckles at the memory.

"Oh right, I totally forgot." Alex starts to laugh. She leans into her brother and sighs. "Good times."

"This is lovely!" Esme sighs in delight as she sees the bottle that Jasper had put on the kitchen island to show the mockery of the Spure's. Esme laughs and pops the cork as the siblings all look at each other. "This is to kind." She pours a glass for all the Cullens, who sniff it before taking a sip.

"Ethiopian lion." Peter says with a chuckle. "We have it in our house for occasions as these, kind of our joke about wine." Jasper looks at Alex with a baffled look while she just eats with a smirk on her face.

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