chapter 73

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"I won't be able to contact you." Alex murmers as she holds Jasper tight. She had already said goodbye to both Harvey and Peter. They knew the drill. Jasper however didn't and she wanted him to know that she wasn't going to ignore him, she just couldn't help it.

"I know. Just be safe." He tightens his grip on her and she nods.

"I love you. I really do."

"I know." Alex heart swells up. It meant that she was finally capable of loving so much that the other would see it. "I love you too."

Alex knew that when she promised that, that she wouldn't be. Though she hated almost everyone on the Volturi for what they did to her, there was one person on the guard that she hated a little less and that made it bearable. If that's what you could call it. Damin was a soft spoken person and he sometimes reminded her of Peter in the way that he spoke.

"We haven't got all day." And then there was Dimitri. Alex didn't know if it was Caius or Aro - probably not Marcus - but either of them always made sure that Dimitri was there. The one she loathed most. Well, almost.

Alex looks up from the empty pool that they had changed into some sort of arena. "What else can I do huh?" She gestures towards the vampire whom she already teared of an arm. "He's not talking."

"Kill him." She tries her best to keep her calm when he continues. "Make it hurt." She knew what that meant.

Alex could still hear the screams of angst and pain. His face filled with terror as she dislocated his limbs before pulling them off. Saving his head for last, that's what they wanted. She had to look at him for two minutes - she had made sure that she wouldn't have to watch for five anymore - before she could burn his body.

"There is one more." Dimitri says as he looks at a piece of parchment. Pretentious ass. Nine of the ten names were crossed out. "I'll go get her."

A woman.

Those were always terrible. Somehow they always found women that were scared and had no information. The men sometimes did. But women never did. And they knew it.

"Who is it?" Alex asks Damin but he just looks at her with the same confused look as he stares at the parchment where a few extra words were scribbled. Empty. No words were usually added.

Alex takes a drink - she wasn't allowed alcohol when she was on tour - and takes a whiff. She almost growl as Dimitri walks in with the woman.

"She's human."

"And what exactly is the problem?" He forces the woman into the pit where she hits her head and screams out in pain. A large wound starts to bleed and Alex rushes to her aid.

"What exactly am I to do here?!" She yells at the vampire while she holds the woman steady.

"You know the job." Alex grinds her teeth as she sits the woman down and kneels in front of her.

"And what do they want to know?"

"She knows." The woman looks at Alex in fear and starts to plead for Alex to let her free.

"What do they want to know?" Alex softly asks and the woman shakes her head. She starts to cry and scoot back as far as she could.

"I don't know." She starts to sob. "Who are 'they'?" Alex sighs. Dimitri wasn't one for waiting till they would tell out of themselves, filled with fear. The first time they declined, they had to hurt.

It takes a while but right before the woman loses consciousness, she mutters the information that she thinks the Volturi would want to know. She was a feisty one.

"You have to drink from her." Alex' eyes snap up at Dimitri.


"It says exactly that, right here: empty." Damin slowly nods behind Alex. He understood why it was difficult for her, if could help her, he would. But he wasn't allowed to.

"And from empty you get that I have to drink from this poor woman?"

"They explained it to me."

"I can't." Dimitri's face darkens. "I won't." He jumps from where he is standing and lands next to Alex. He removes a stray lock of hair from her face.

"Are you declining the contract?" Alex frowns. "You know what that means." Her heart starts thumping in anger but she contains it. She knew exactly what that meant. Neither Peter or Alex knew what their tours would bring when they signed the contract and though they were quickly sorry, they promised one another that they'd finish it.

Alex hadn't tasted fresh human blood in years. It was either bloodbags or animal blood. And they both kept her stronger than the vampires around her but human blood could mean that she became even stronger. She had no idea why Aro, Caius and Marcus would want that.

Alex turns to the unconcious woman and braces herself for the inevitable scream of pain as she burries her teeth in the woman's neck.

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