chapter 017

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Alex makes her way home and smiles as she managed to ignore all the Cullens for the rest of the day.

Her mind had been on her sibling all day. She hoped that he had been resting as she had pressured him to do so. She notices that it is exactly the case when she walks into their house and she hears a soft snore coming from upstairs.

The Spure girl puts on the oven and places the lasagna that she had already prepared in it before going to the living room to look at the documentations. She had enough time.

She ruffles through it and grabs a notebook, knowing that she'd have to write the important parts of it down so she would make light of it. She wasn't that good in thinking just inside her head, her brother knew that.

"You went to school?" She hears from behind her and she closes her eyes as she places a hand on her heart.

"Peter," she sighs. "Dear God. Don't ever do that again." She steadies her breathing. She looks at him and he yawns before sniffing the air. Alex looks at the clock. "Dinner's in five minutes." She scribbles a few last things down before getting up to set the table.

Peter grabs two beers and places them in front of the siblings as Alex starts to share the food.

"How was school?" She shrugs.

"The Cullen's were back." He frowns at her. "They asked about you." He groans. "I said you were tired." He nods and takes a bite. Relishing in his sister's cooking abilities.

They both had their own habits that they picked up over the centuries. He loved getting to know the newer technologies as they'd progress and learning new things. Alex had a passion of creating things. She always liked good food and she only made her knowledge of it greater. It was also a way of calming them both down. He'd start to read and she would get busy with her next project.

"You slept well?" He nods and looks at her through his eyelashes. She feels her heart ache for her brother as she sees the scared feeling in his eyes.

"There is one more condition." He mutters as he looks down, making her frown. "You have to do one more tour." She raises an eyebrow.

"I thought we had the same amount?" He shakes his head. He gets up and walks back with one of his diaries. In it there were some loose papers and she knew that it was the contract. She and her brother didn't leave the wah that Carlisle did, though they had wanted to. It was in an ancient language that Alex did not speak but she trusted her brother to translate it correctly.

"I made a mistake." He opens the contract on the other side of the table and the translation next to it. He points to a few words and she frowns. "Look," he reads them aloud and she narrows her eyes at him.

"I do not know what you are talking about." He rolls his eyes.

"They put an extra dot, right here." She looks closer and notices it. "Which does not make it 48." She closes her eyes at the news.

"It's 49." She nods. The Volturi had something in common with the Christians. The number 7 was important, 7 times 7 makes 49. "Well then," she grabs a the plates. "I guess I'll contact them for the last one. I want this over with."


Sam Uley had not been a shapeshifter for long, but he already thought he knew all he needed to know about it. He knew that it was because the Cullens had chosen to reside it Folks and he knew that it meant for more young men to change.

He didn't anticipate for it to be this many. He had thought one or two, not a whole pack. There were already three turned and he knew of two more boys that were experiencing the pains. He knew that he couldn't handle it alone and that he needed help. More than Peter had already been giving him in the time that Alex was not around.

He had wanted for the older Spure sibling to help him even more, but Peter had held off. He had to be there for his sister though he did not specifically explain. Sam had not asked why but now he had to go to them to ask for help.

He sighs before shifting and making his way to their grounds at a steady pace. The alpha knew that they didn't like it when he came to them in his wolf shape, it came off as threatening. He had noticed this a few times, one of them being when he had to tell them that the old treaty was back on.

He shapes back into his human form right before the tree line in front of their house, hearing some sort of music as he puts on some trousers. He walks into the clearing, seeing the siblings dance under the moonlight. A picnic blanket spread out on the grass, some sort of music installation next to it. A few empty bottles lay on the grass and he frowns. He knew wolves could hold their liquor but these two were something else.

The male of the two sits down and looks at his sister as she sings along to the song and sways to the music. Sam smiles at the two, they had a bond that no one could get in between.

"Hey." He says as he slowly makes his way over to them. Peter is the first to notice the man and smiles as he gets up and hugs the man. They both turn to Alex who is now noticing the commotion. She smiles at the two man in front of them.

"What's up?" She asks as she hands the shapeshifter a beer. He looks at them and gives a weak smile.

"I think that you two really need to help me right now."


So I looked this morning and right now and it went up from 800 reads to 1000? And like.. I'm surprised and so happy?

I would LOVE some feedback though so comment and/or vote so I'll know that I'm doing a good job bc mostly I'm winging it haha

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