chapter 86

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The large field surrounded by dense forest is eerily silent as Alex watches the scene before her. Emmett is being flung through the air, flailing his arms. He lands hard on his back but immediately springs up to face Jasper, the person who threw him.

"Again." He snarls.

Alex already had a few rounds with Emmett but both Jasper and Emmett had realised that she was carrying around to much anger and pain for training. She had even managed to crack his arm one time and it was good that Rosalie wasn't there yet to see it.

Carlisle, Esme, Alice and Rosalie watch the two spar from a small distance. Alex had made herself comfortable on a branch a bit higher than the rest and smiles as she sees Jasper in complete control of himself and his surroundings. This was what he did best.

Edward's Volvo arrived and skids to a halt halfway across the field. They get out and he frowns as he looks over to Alex, probably seeing what she had done this brother just an hour ago.

"They're here." He says and all eyes turn to the tree line where eight giant wolves appear. Alex smiles as she sees that Emmett has found Paul, the two of them wanting a rematch for the battle which she stopped last time.

"Two more have joined the pack." Bella mutters and Edward nods.

"They're young. Very young." Carlisle joins Edward who reads the pack's minds.

"They don't trust us enough to be in human from."

"They're here.." Carlisle replies. "That's what matters."

Bella sees a red-brown wolf as it turns to her. "Jake." He seems to almost smile, tongue lolling. A sharp look from Sam in wolf form gets Jacob to focus. Carlisle turns to Edward.

"Will you translate?" Edward nods. Carlisle moves slowly toward the pack. Sam, the biggest and blackest, steps forward.


"He say's they'll watch and listen, but that's the most we can ask of their self-control."

"This will be fine." Carlisle nods before gesturing towards Jasper. "Jasper has experience with newborns. He'll teach us how to defeat them."

"They want to know how these newborns differ from us."

"They're a great deal stronger than us, because their own human blood lingers in their tissues. Our kind is never more physically powerful than in our first several months of this life." Carlisle explains and everyone sees that the pack is taking the information in. Carlisle nods to Jasper to take over. Jasper looks a bit uncomfortable with both the wolves and the attention. He glances at Alex' seemingly carefree face before stepping forward.

"Carlisle's right. That's why newborns are created for armies."

"One of them,Quil, he wants to know many vampires constitute an army. He seems to be made.. nervous by the term." If it's possible for a wolf to look embarassed, Quil does. Jasper laughs.

"Army is an expression for a large number of newborns. The good news is, they are not in the thousands, like a human army." He looks over to Alex to Alex for reassurance and she gives him her kindest smile. "The bad news is, no human army could stand against them. But they're untrained, and their thirst will make them wild. Volatile. That can work in our favor." As Jasper moves to the center of the field for a demonstration, he grows more commanding, the long dormant leader in him resuming control. Bella watches with surprise as this new Jasper emerges. The pack sit or lay to observe, ready to spring if need be.

"The two most important things to remember are, first, never let them get their arms around you. They'll crush you so fast your head will spin. Second, never go for the obvious kill. They'll be ready for that. And you'll lose. Emmett?" Jasper gestures for him to attack. "Don't hold back."

Emmett smirks. "Not in my nature." Emmett charges Jasper with impossible speed, but Jasper is ready. Emmett lunges several times, his strong arms grabbing at air. Jasper stops long enough to get in a few more words.

"You have to come at them from the side, and keep moving. Always moving." Emmett lunges again with similar results, until suddenly he freezes. Jasper has him from behind, his teeth an inch from Emmett's throat. Bella is taken aback by Jasper's skill. And there's an impressed rumble among the watching wolves.

Alex smiles at her fiancé. This was a side that she had not yet seen, but she had wanted too for the longest time. And though the why wasn't ideal, she was very impressed and very much awaiting to see more.

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