chapter 022

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Rosalie flinches as she hears Jasper's yells come from up the stairs together with the sounds of things crashing. He had come home from doing homework with Alex but he wasn't in the mood that he usually wore when he had seen her. His eyes almost black as he ran past Rose and her husband.

"He'll be alright." Emmett tries to ease her while wrapping his arm around his beautiful woman. She looks at him and sighs before glancing towarda the trees. The Spures certainly had made their impact on them. "I'll go look." She frowns as her husband goes towards the veteran.

"So this all looks horrible." Jasper turns and groans. He hadn't remembered family hunting time. This time everyone besides Emmett and Rosalie would go so there was always someone at the house. "What's wrong?" Emmett raises an eyebrow at the pricy chair that was now in a billion pieces.

"None of your concern." Jasper hisses before sighing and running a hand through his hair. "It's Alex."

"Hmm," Emmett smirks at him. "Got you a little frustrated?" He starts wiggling his eyebrows but stops once he sees Jasper's glare. "What happened now? I thought your study date went well?" Jasper nods.

"I thought so too." Emmett frowns.

"What'd you do?" Jaspers eyes widen and his voice goes up an octave.

"I didn't do anything!" He coughs. "She did." He let's himself slide down against the wall.

"Little dramatic." Emmett gestures towards Jasper but he quickly realises that jokes are not the thing he needs right now. "What did she do?"

"Whom." Jasper mutters.

"What now?"

"She slept with someone!" Jasper yells out. He stands up and throws a few books towards the wall next to Emmett who easily moves out of the way.

"Well," Emmett raises his hands. "Don't kill the messenger, but you aren't together." He looks at Jasper, hoping to get the message across.

"Then why is she toying with my emotions?" Jasper asks him and the other Cullen starts to think.

"You're also flirting with her aren't you?"

"I like her." A statement more than a question.

"Maybe she doesn't like you?" Jasper glares at his brother. "Just asking the questions. Trying to help you with your frustrations." Emmett continues as he raises his hands in defense.

"We kissed." Emmett's eyes widen in surprise.

"What? When?" He smirks at his golden haired brother. "You sly dog."

"When we were studying the other day." Emmett nods and smirks.

"Yeah you were." He feels a slap against his head and sees his wife next to him. Jasper looks at him with a completely blank expression. He was in no mood for jokes. "Okay but see, it's easy."

Jasper furrows his eyebrows as he looks at his brother confused. "What?"

"She's trying to let it seem as if she isn't bothered. Girls do that sometimes." He shrugs at Rose as his knowledge makes her raise an eyebrow. "Apologize for the kiss and just be her friend. Say that it was a mistake."

"But it wasn't." Rosalie smiles softly at her 'twin'. He had it bad. He felt the same way that she did with her husband and she knew her husband felt the same way about her. Only Jasper didn't know about his counterpart.

"Say that it was." Emmett's voice makes the eyebrows of Jasper raise, it was as if he had been explaining the same thing a thousand times.

"I cant lie."

"Whats your definition of lying?"

"Not telling the truth."

"Ah, because mine is reclining your body in a horizontal position."

"Em!" Jasper tries to whack Emmett over the head but the latter quickly ducks.

"No, but seriously. Just see it as a veeeery colorful and slightly exaggerated non-truth." Emmett quickly says the 'non' part before rushing away.



Alex had never felt more agitated with herself. Jasper had been the perfect gentleman. He had asked questions and though he had mocked her, he had been nothing but calm when she had inclined that she had slept with someone.

"What's wrong?" She rolls her head to the side and sees her brother standing in the door opening.

"Nothing." He scoffs before chuckling.

"Oh yes, that's why you're bailing on family game night. Because you just like to be on your bed, staring at your ceiling." She rolls onto her side but her brother pays no attention to the fact that she doesn't seem to want to talk to him. "Did it go okay?" She furrows her eyebrows and looks over her shoulder only to notice that her brother is making his way over to the bed.


"Studying." He sits down at the bed. "I know that you find the subject incredibly hard. But I'm just so proud of you that you've finally set aside the fact that you don't want help. Everyone needs help sometime."

"You don't." She mutters and he places his hand on her side.

"I do too." She looks at him once again. It was true. He didn't need help with school work but he did need help finding a way out of his own mind. It was the whole reason why he skipped the same lesson again and again.

"Not with this." He rolls his eyes as he turns her around.

"I'm sensing that you're a bit of a liar." Her eyes widen as he looks at her with a smirk. "Seriously, Jasper's the best teacher on this subject. You're smart. You just need to listen." She rolls her eyes as she pushes him away. "Which makes me think that it's not really about the tutoring but more about the tutoring." He wiggles his eyebrows as she chuckles.

"Maybe. But I made sure that he doesn't like me and I'm glad for that. We don't want to repeat history." She winks before getting of the bed and skipping downstairs to throw the siblings a small party.

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