chapter 96

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Bella and Edward were gone on their honeymoon and everyone resumed to their daily lives. For Alex it meant helping Mrs. Pawly even more. The woman had fallen ill and though Alex didn't care for the work per say, she did care for the woman. She was strong and Alex found it slightly annoying but also endearing that the woman still wanted to work as if nothing was happening.

"You're only as old as you feel in your mind." The woman had said before having to sit down due to exhaustion. "I just sometimes feel really old."

Her normal life also meant that Jasper and she had a lot of time together. She still hadn't gone to her own home alone yet but she was planning on doing so in a week or maybe two.

But right now, he was taking her somewhere and she wasn't allowed to look. He knew that she wouldn't listen so he blindfolded her.

"Kinky." Alex says and Jasper starts to laugh. "Any other secret kinks you'd like to tell me? Chains? Ohh, whips?" She teases and she notices how his posture changes from one of excitement to one that she can't particularly describe. Maybe a combination of lust and awkwardness. Probably more awkwardness though. "So where are we going?"

"The point of the blindfold is so that you won't see, why do you think that I'll tell you?" Alex shrugs.

"I could at least try." She mutters and he chuckles before stopping the car.

He removes the blindfold but keeps his own hand before her eyes.

"If we're going to some skeevy club or something, I'm out."

"How well do you know me?" He asks aghast and Alex smiles at him.

"Pretty well, but I know Emmett too and he can talk for days just to make you try new things even though he knows you won't like it."

"True." He simply replies before he places a hand on her lower back and steers her in the right direction. "Walk, walk," she hears Jasper's voice as he guides her straight ahead. She couldn't see anything due to her hat behind pulled over her eyes. "Take it off." She takes of her hat and looks around.

"We're going ice-skating." Her voice confused.

"Good or not good? It's mostly self preservation, I like seeing you happy." She turns to him and smiles.

"You're sweet."

"Shall we? Do you even know how to skate?" He asks as they sit down.

"I'll beat you without a second thought." She looks down and back up sheepishly. "This was one of the things that Pietro and I used to do for fun. As soon as there was ice, we'd be on it."

"I'm sorry, if I'd knew.."

"Let's do it."

"I'll be right back. See you on the ice." She shrugs as he walks away.

Alex puts on her skates and starts humming as she swirls into the middle of the skating range. Jasper waits and looks at her in her element. She was doing all kinds of elaborate movements and she looked stunning against the white of the arena. He smiles before skating towards her. She chuckles as she looks at him. He wears a green jersey and a helmet and is carrying two ice hockey sticks.

"Ice hockey?"

"I've been playing it for years. I have 20 pucks," he lifts a bucket to show her. "I'll bet you can't even get three in the goal." She laughs as she grabs one of the sticks.

"What do I win?"

"Five star dinner for which you will have to bring your overnight bag." She smiles at him.

"Only three in the goal?" He nods at her with a smirk and she turns towards the goal.

"You're going to regret this."

He quickly skates towards the goal and gets ready to deflect her attempts. The first one not even going remotely close to the net.

"Only two more." She chuckles as she gets one in after hitting him multiple times.

"How much did I have to?" Alex asks after getting all three in. She starts to do a victory lap around the goal and he picks her up. "I won." She cheekily smiles.

"Went well didn't it?" She asks as they sit at the bar with two hot chocolates in front of them. Hers almost empty, his not even touched.

"You think?"

"How much did I have to score?" She asks him again.


"How much did I actually score?"

"I didn't count." He replies and Alex' smile grows.

"Nine! I deserve at least three dinners and a whole week with my duffelbag." She punches his side.

"If I were human, that would've hurt." She raises her eyebrows at him and laughs. "You hit me quite well."

"Oh, where." He points at his left arm, the one closest to her. She gives a kiss on it.

"And here," he points to his left shoulder, which she also kisses. "Here." His right shoulder. She smiles as she kisses it. "And I think, here." He points to his cheek. She kisses his marble cheek softly before he slowly turns his head to look at her. "Here." He points to his lips with a smirk and she rolls his eyes.

"I don't think I did." He chuckles before kissing her on the lips softly.

It went on like this for what seemed like forever. Her days were spend with Mrs Pawly and her evenings with Jasper. He made her feel loved and wanted her to have all kinds of new experiences - which also included rock climbing and she hated it - and everything beautiful that she could imagine.

Though it felt like forever, in reality it was only two weeks. Because it was then that Edward and Bella decided to shorten their honeymoon since apparently Bella was pregnant with some miracle baby.

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