chapter 78

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They had decided to hold some sort of funeral and Alex had been in a better mood. This was exactly what she needed. Emmett and Rosalie would finally be coming back and at school everyone knew not to ask questions. They rarely did but now they certainly did. Only to Bella and the occasional Cullen.

The story was that he had died in an accident while they were in Switzerland. Everyone immediately believed it. Charlie even came to show his support even if he didn't know how. He just sat there and let her drink her beers without him judging her age. He knew that she was different somehow.

The wolves had payed their respects as well. Even if they wouldn't come to the funeral, it was a great support for Alex. They had told her that she was always welcome there, she hadn't told them that she was engaged to Jasper but they should've known from the ring on her finger.

They would hold it at the Spure house and Esme and Alice were preparing everything just as they had discussed with Alex. It wasn't much what she wanted, just a small get together.

"Hey." Alex looks up, she didn't notice anyone coming in the room. She had asked for a little space and everyone obliged. They went to the Spure house or hunting, either way.. she was alone in the Cullen house.

"Hey." She replies and stands up before hugging the tall man. "How are you holding up?" Harvey raises an eyebrow. The Cullens had changed Alex. Normally she'd be drowning in booze or so angry that no one could be near her. But he had heard everything from Jasper. That she was crying herself to sleep whenever she wanted to be alone and how she became a hollow version of herself.

"I'm bad." He just replies. "I don't know what to do." Maybe that would encourage her to say how she felt. She doesn't reply but simply snakes her arms around his waist and pulls him closer. Harvey wasn't one for emotions but a tear falls down his cheek as he looks down at the strong woman before him. He kisses the top of her head and wants to step out of his embrace but she only tightens it. She needed this.

"Don't want to intrude." Jasper days as he walks into the room where Harvey and Alex are hugging. He had taken a moment to appreciate what they could mean for one another. Alex looks up and both of the men notice her teary eyes. "Almost everyone is here." Alex nods and starts wiping away her tears. Harvey clears his throat before speaking to her.

"I sent a letter to Benjamin and Tia and explained why they couldn't come." Alex nods and Jasper frowns. "More wolves would turn if more vampires came around." Jasper nods in understanding before wrapping an arm around his fiancee.

"Is Spencer already there?" Jasper didn't know this Spencer but Alex found it crucial that he was there.

"He called in to say that he would be there in ten minutes." Jasper looks at his watch and back at Alex. "That was seven minutes ago."

The three start their walk over to the Spure house and Alex couldn't help but feel fidgety. She starts pulling on the edges of her sleeves, Harvey taking immediate notice of this. He had done nothing but wait for the moment that Alex was really going to break.

"When was the last time?" Alex frowns and starts to think back.

"I don't really know."

"Well that's too long." He sighs. He wants to say something more but they have arrived at the garden. A slight drizzle covered everyone's head and Alex' hair was sticking to her face. She had already been out before Harvey came to see her. She had to take a breather, to be left alone for a moment to cry and be angry and crumble to the ground.

"Alex." She turns to Spencer and gives him a weak smile. "Good to see you again, even if the circumstances are not what I had imagined. My true condolences." She searches his eyes for something other than pity and finds it. She finds pain.

"Thank you." Alex opens her arms and Spencer hugs her, making Harvey a little skittish. He had never really trusted the Spencer that both Alex and Peter had a high definition of.

They walk further and as if on automatic control, Alex walks towards Jasper who wraps an arm around her to give her the comfort they both knew she needs.

Alex looks around and sees that all the Cullens are in their - no her - backyard, Spencer, Harvey.. she didn't need anyone more. Everyone is silent, awaiting the first one to speak and Alex looks at Carlisle. She had asked him to speak. He had been the son of a church pastor and he had always valued life, something that both Peter and Alex had admired.

The man takes a step forward and coughs once, making all attentions shift to him. "I want to thank everyone for coming." Murmers of agreement are heard and Alex has to remain for chuckling. Only Spencer had to make the drive. "We are here to remember Peter." He frowns and shakes his head. "Pietro." He glances over towards Alex and she gives him a weak smile. "Alex has asked me to speak on behalf of her and I felt nothing but honor." He looks down and takes a step backwards before Alice brings out candles for everyone. The small bit of rain has stopped and one beam of sunlight captures the glossy grass in its light.

"To understand the man we are here to mourn and not say goodbye to, but until we see each other again; we have to look towards both Alexandra and Pietro." Alex narrows her eyes at him. Carlisle starts to tell about how the two had been together and the way that they had pushed one another to be the best that they are. The fact that Pietro was the only one who could calm her down and how Alexandra was the only one to get Pietro to talking. Of course these actions were done before they came to Forks and met different people who would become so important in their own ways.

"Alex, I know for a fact that Pietro loved you with his whole being. And I know that that feeling was mutual." Alex feels tears well up in her eyes. "The days before.." Carlisle doesn't have to say the moment itself because they all knew what he meant. "He came over to our house. He knew that the Volturi would probably go back on their words. I need you to understand that though you protected one another, he had asked for us all to protect you if the day ever came." Soft sobs erupt and the others try their best not to look towards Alex. She hated pity. "It meant so much to him that you had opened yourself up towards new experiences and the fact that you opened yourself for love." Carlisle walks forward to Alex and holds his hand open and she gently opens hers so he can drop in the necklace that he had given Isolde. "He gave me this, to let you remember that there is light in this world."

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