chapter 81

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Alice and Jasper walk towards Alex who is watching the scene fold out in front of her. Jacob was at their school and telling Bella about the incident. Leaving out her heroic safe of course. The three look at one another before deciding to stay close, just in case.

"Tell me. I want to know." Bella demands and Edward answers.

"There was a stupid misunderstanding between Emmett and Paul. Nothing to worry about."

"Man! Listen to you. Slick. Did you lie to get her out of town, too?" Jacob asks and Edward growls softly.

"Leave. Now."

"She has a right to know. She's the one the red-head wants."

Realisation dawns on Bella's face. "Victoria's back." She turns to Edward. "Alice's vision. It wasn't about Jasper, was it? It was Victoria-.."

"I was trying to protect you-.."

"By lying to me?" Her voice almost a screech. Edward doesn't respond. There are no words to express his concern and frustration. Suddenly Bella turns. "Jake, wait up." Edward's hand is on her arm so fast she barely even moved. She turns to him with controlled anger. "Edward, you have to trust me."

"I do. It's him don't trust." Bella just looks at Edward; strong, independent, not about to give in. Finally, he releases her. She quickly jogs to Jacob and climbs on the back of his bike. Jacob grins.

"Hold On tight."

"Lose the grin, Jake. We're just taking a ride." He kick-starts the bike, then roars off with Bella on the back. Edward watches them go and Alex slowly walks towards him.

"If you trust her so much, trust her to make the right decision." He turns to her angrily. "Don't take it out on me. I was told that in relationships you have to be open and vulnerable. Now it's your turn to be." She turns around, links her arm in Jasper's before they both walk into the school. Another day of learning.

"Where is Edward?" Alex looks around and sees that he is not in school. They were once again at the table with the humans but the connection - Bella and even Edward - were not there.

"He hasn't been to any classes." Angela says with a concerned look. Jessica turns to Alex.

"Do you think he's really mad?" The humans had seen the altercation this morning and had been talking about the triangle. "Like, so jealous that he couldn't even make it to class?" Alex glares at her and she backs of a little scared. Alice places a hand on Alex' arm and shakes her head.

"He's trying to decide if he should break the treaty." Alice mutters soft and quick enough so that the humans don't hear her.

"My god." Alex sighs and gets up. Before she leaves she places a peck on Jasper's cheek. "See you after school?" He nods and waves at her. Both Alice and Jasper knew that even though Alex and Edward could hate one another, they loved the other as well.

It did not take long before Alex raced her car home to the Cullens, left all her stuff in the car and made her way towards where Edward was sitting at the edge of the ravine. His arms on his knees and his head carrying a worrisome look. She steps on a branch and he quickly turns his head towards her.

"Shouldn't you be in school?" He asks and she laughs as she sits next to him, grabbing a cigarette and lighting it.

"Shouldn't you?" He huffs before placing his head on his arms again. "You can't break the treaty."

He looks over to her and sighs. "Alice." She nods and takes a drag. "I don't know. I don't trust him." He mutters and Alex shrugs.

"I already told you this morning. Trust her to make the right decision." She narrows her eyes at him. "Want me to keep you company? I am very sociable." He smiles a little and nods.

"I'd like that."

It was night and though Alex would normally be in bed by now - her bedtime went up a few hours since Peter had gone and she needed more time to process the day - she was with the rest of the Cullens and Bella in the living room.

Edward is pacing around the room, clearly frustrated. Alice is seemingly stressed. Bella tries to track fast-paced conversation with Carlisle, Rosalie, and Esme.

"No, Alice. It was a stranger. I didn't recognize his scent." He narrows his eyes. "That's not helpful, Rosalie."

"Could you guys please, like.. speak out loud?" Bella asks and Alex notices the fear. It made her scent stronger. Alex takes an involuntary step backwards at the mouthwatering smell.

"Sorry." Edward mutters and motions for everyone to talk slower.

"A nomad passing through?" Esme asks but Rosalie shakes her head.

"A passer-by wouldn't have left Bella's father alive." A chill runs over Bella at the thought. Esme wraps an arm around her just as the door bursts open and Jasper enters. He automatically searches for Alex and stands beside her. It had become a second nature to them.

"His scent disappeared about five miles south of Bella's house."

"Someone orchestrated this."

"Victoria." Carlisle asks but Edward shakes his head.

"No, it has to be the Volturi."

"Checking to see if I've been changed?"

"I don't think it was the Volturi either." Alice shakes her head. "I've been watching Aro's decisions."

"We gotta find this fool and get some answers out of him." Emmett looks over to Alex and she nods. She was always in for a fight.

"We also need to take shifts at Bella's house." Rosalie huffs but Esme throws a quick glare at her.

"She's right. You can't watch over me and dad, and search for the intruder, and for Victoria, and keep yourselves fed. Your eyes are black. When's the last time you went hunting? You're already too busy protecting me."

"I'm not about to let you fend for yourself." Edward softly says to Bella and she looks at him with a pleading look.

"I'm not about to let you starve." She stops and looks at him, a ting glimmer of optimism flashing on her face.


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