chapter 019

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I was thinking of giving some faces to the Spures.. anyone think that's a good idea? For Alex I had Shelley Hennig in mind and for Peter I thought maybe Armie Hammer? Yes, no? Give me some thoughts pleassee..


It was three in the afternoon when Alex awoke to birds chirping and the sun shining through the curtains. She groans as she rolls to the side and notices the time.

Sam and Emily were incredible kind and generous hosts. They had been serving drinks all night and Peter and Alex never backed down. Sam and Emily started to drink as well halfway through the evening and everyone ended up happily tipsy except for Alex. She had never felt worse - beside the few times where she drank to much as well - which meant that she could have done stupid things the night before.

"Alex?" She raises her head as she looks towards the voice. "You really need to get up." She groans as she pushes her body of her pillows and walks down the stairs, still dressed in her pyjamas.

"Why?" She stops scratching the birds nest on top of her head as she sees three of the Cullens in her living room. "Oh." She shakes her head. "Good morning." Emmet chuckles as he places a picture frame back on a cabinet.

"It's afternoon." She waves him away.

"Details." Peter's head pops around the wall that leads towards the kitchen. "A friendly face!" She sighs happily as she quickly walks towards him and hugs him.

"Birthday." He mutters. The sound low enough so the Cullens wouldn't hear.

"Happy birthday darling!" She kisses his cheeks three times before looking at him. "You don't look a day over 24. What's your secret?" Behind her she hears chuckles.

"Botox." Peter replies before going back into the kitchen. Alex looks towards their guests.

"We wanted to pick up Peter but he said he couldn't until he made sure you ate." Rosalie says and Alex notices some distaste. After all, how could someone's sister be hungover on the birthday of her brother and made sure that he couldn't get his present lateron.

"I told him that I could cook." Jasper raises his hands and Alex doesn't notice the way that Emmett winks at the blond Cullen.

"Yeah, and I'm the better cook of us two. Tradition I guess." Alex simply replies before shrugging and grabbing herself a coffee.

"We'll come back to pick up Peter in an hour." Emmett says as he pushes his wife to the door.

"Is that okay?" She suddenly asks and Alex notices how she changed once Alex had mentioned the word 'tradition'. Both the Spure siblings say that it's okay and the married couple goes on their way, leaving Jasper behind.

He makes himself comfortable as he looks towards the siblings while also looking around the room. Alex started her day with a cigarette and a coffee. Something that Jasper had already noticed. She had smelled like smoke every morning when she entered the school premises. Peter was working around the kitchen and it looked like he had made this a hundred times before.

Alex walks back inside and places her cup of coffee in the sink before grabbing a bag of blood and throwing it towards Jasper. "Enjoy." She simply states before joining her brother in the kitchen.

Jasper looks at the Spure siblings before him. They were working around each other to make food for Alex. No, not working together, dancing together. That is the only way he could describe it. They moved in sync. It was as if they had rehearsed this dance and he couldn't help but stare in awe.

They seemed to have forgotten that he is watching them and chatter among themselves. He softly chuckles as they start to joke around but mostly just entertains himself with whatever photographs are lying around.

"That should do." Peter announces as he places a stone like bowl on the table. A dinner plate and utensils were already layed out for Alex to use. "I'm going to Rose and Emmett okay?" He looks at his sister for confirmation that it is okay and she nods, giving him a hug and he kisses the top of her head before leaving. "Good luck with the homework." He yells before closing the door behind him.

Jasper gets up and sits on the other side of the table as Alex munches on her food. The young man had no idea what it was, but it smelt amazing. Sometimes he just wanted to eat something like a human again, but he knew that it wouldn't taste well. He had tried before.

"Good?" He asks her as he grabs the books and she nods while sighing in pure bliss.

"It doesn't get better than this." She smiles at him before scraping the bowl as empty as possible and setting it in the sink, a small bit of water in it to soak. "Shall we study outside?" He raises an eyebrow and notices that the sun is making its way through the clouds. "You're not the first sparkly person that I have seen." She chuckles as she grabs the picnic blanket that is laying around in the hallway.

"What was the subject again?" She asks as she pulls her laptop on her crisscrossed legs.

"How different relationships and marriage are in different religions." She nods and starts to think.

"How about we divert a few religions and then we looks for the things in common and the things that are different?" He nods and she scribbles down a four religions. She places them in a bowl and holds it in front of him. "Pick."

Alex grabs a drink after what seemed to be a study session that lasted for ages, though she noticed it only to be 2 hours as she looked at the clock. She grabs a bottle of her special wine and hands it to Jasper. He raises an eyebrow at her.

"Try it." He removes the cork and she sits down with her glass of whisky. A surprised look makes its way onto his face and she chuckles. "I knew you'd like it."

Jasper places the books on top of each other and leans back on one arm as he looks up to the sky. "You find studying hard?" A frown appears on Alex' face and he feels her emotions harden before she sighs and nods.

"I'm more of a work-with-my-hands kind of woman." She lays back as well and they both look at the starry sky. There were no clouds to be seen and everything was brightened by the moon.

"Everybody has their strengths and weaknesses." He places his head on his left hand and turns slightly to look at the woman in front of him. A smile appears on her face as he says this and another sigh leaves her mouth.

"It's just hard you know." She mutters. "Peter has been going to different schools the entire time that we are alive, I, however, am only allowed to go to school since a few hundred years. If it was the other way 'round, I think with enough stimulation, Peter and I'd be on the same level." Jasper nods and looks at her fiddling hands.

"You have enough time to make up for it, darling. I know you got it in you." He says to her and she gets up a little, leaning on her elbows. She looks at him but is startled by how close this young beautiful man is to her.

They look at each other and Alex is doing her best not to do anything but Jasper closes the gap between them softly and Alex feels their lips connecting in a soft, caring way.

Alex always had liked the beautiful specimen. Jasper and the rest of the Cullens were no exception. But she hadn't acted on it, due to them being vampires. But the way that he had just called her darling and the way that he had said ma'am when they were at the lake house and the way they were at the lake house and they way they were at school.. and she could add a billion different ways but it all added up to her starting to actually like him the way that she had only liked one person before. And it scared her.

She pushes him away softly and swallows the lump in her throat. "Study session is over." She quickly gets up and grimaces at how awkward she left him behind.

Jasper looks at Alex as she rushes inside and smiles to himself. They had kissed! But he knew that she was struggling with herself, he noticed the confused feelings and it made him more secure in their future together as she was vulnerable when they had kissed. She needed time and was going to give her that.

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