chapter 100

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Bella and Edward walk into the Cullen house where everyone is scattered around.

"Wow. Done already?" Emmett asks and Alex smirks. Bella ignores him and looks around.

"Where's Renesmee?"

Emmett points outside. "Blondie stole her." Jacob watches Rosalie from the window as she plays with Renesmee. "Break a lot of stuff?"

"Emmett." Bella sighs. "No." Emmett starts to laugh but stops as the Cullen's phone rings. "Is that Charlie?"

Edward nods. "He's been calling twice a day."

"He's in pretty rough shape." Jacob mutters.

"Eventually, we'll have to tell him you didn't make it." Carlisle says as he looks at Bella and Edward places a hand on Bella's shoulder.

"He needs to mourn, Bella." Jacob nods his head in agreement and Bella sighs.

"Okay. We'll do it tomorrow."

"I'm gonna miss this place." Emmett breathes as he looks around.

"We'll come back." Carlisle replies in a consoling tone. "We always do."

Jacob frowns and looks around quickly. "Wait. Nobody said anything about leaving."

"Once people believe Bella's dead, we can't risk anyone seeing her." Carlisle explains and Jacob looks at everyone in the room.

"So you just disappear?"

"Jacob, we don't have another choice." It seemed like that was the last straw as Jacob leaves the house.

Alex looks around the room and raises an eyebrow as Edward frowns at the door that Jacob just left through. What was that boy up to?

"Wanna go on a run?" Alex looks at Jasper with disgust.

"Who do you think I am?" She asks and Jasper starts to laugh.

"He wants some one on one time idiot." Emmett explains and Alex starts to laugh. "To get down and dirty in the woods." Alex throws a pillow towards Emmett who catches it with ease while Jasper and Alex stands up. Emmett throws the pillow towards Jasper who just lets it fall halfway through. "Go get it cowboy."

"What the fuck is going on?" Alex asks as she walks into the house. She wanted to grab a few drinks for the picnic that Jasper had set up.

"Jacob told Charlie."

"Wait, what?!" Alex turns away from Rosalie and turns towards Jacob who is looking at Bella who tries to appear human.

"Try taking a seat. Crossing your legs." Bella gets up to take a seat, but she moves too fast and slams into the seat. Esme smiles softly. "Maybe a tad slower. Hmm."

"And blink at least three times a minute." Bella starts blinking repeatedly. "Good." Alice chokes out and Jacob rolls his eyes.

"For a cartoon character."

"Oh my god," Alex bursts and walks towards the wolf. "You got her into this mess. Don't you think for a second that this is okay!"

"Hold your breath." Carlisle tells Bella as he quickly glances towards Alex who let's go of Jacob as Emmett puts a hand on her shoulder. "It will help with the thirst."

"Just don't forget to move your shoulders so it looks like you're breathing." Bella starts moving her shoulders up and down as Edward suggests.

"And don't sit so straight. Humans don't do that."

"Okay. I got it." Bella quickly says. "Move around, blink, slouch." Everyone hears Charlie's car park up outside the house.

"Good luck." Esme says and everybody besides Bella leaves the room.

"How do you think she's doing?" Alex murmers as she leans against Jasper, enjoying a nice glass of wine. He shrugs.

"It's nice of you, you know." Alex raises an eyebrow and turns her head to him. "That you care. Even if you can't really stand her." Alex sighs.

"It's not that I don't like her.." she tries to figure out the right words as she sits a bit straighter and moves from his lap to in front of him. "I just don't like the associations that my mind puts with her." Jasper hums and leans closer. He grabs her shoulders and puts her upper body back in his lap. He leans over her and smirks.

"And what associations does your mind put with me?" He asks, knowing how to immediately put her mind somewhere else.

"Well, I-.." she looks in his golden eyes and is at a loss for words. Something that she didn't fathom would ever happen.

He leans closer and she leans up a bit, closing the gap between their lips. The sweet kiss quickly turns into something a bit more heated and right as Alex wants to move her hands towards his shirt and rip it off, he grabs her hands.

"That wasn't my intention." He softly says. "Though I certainly do like where this is going, we had a deal. Remember?" Alex groans as she removes her hands from his grip and starts unbuttoning his shirt anyway. She did not want to go to their house. Her house.

"But this will be so much better." She smirks and leans over to kiss his neck. He doesn't stop her and just for a moment he starts to enjoy what was supposedly happening. His mind snaps back to their deal and he pushes her away softly.

"Alex." He warns and he smiles at her teasingly. "If not now, than this-.." he gestures between them. "Won't happen for a while." Her jaw falls down as she looks at him. Suddenly her ears perk up and her head turns towards the house.

"Can't." She stands up quickly. "We have to see if Bella's okay." Jasper groans at the cold as she leaves his lap, but mostly at the fact that she somehow found another excuse to not go towards the Spure house.

"Well done, Bella." Jasper says as Alex and he walk towards the house, holding hands. "Never seen a newborn show that kind of restraint."

"I'm not sure she is a newborn. She's so tame." Emmett teases and Edward sighs.

"Emmett, don't antagonize her. She's the strongest one in the house." Alex raises an eyebrow and Edward waves her off.

"Please." Emmett scoffs.

Somehow Emmett would feel better if he won in an arm wrestling match and everyone couldn't wait to see the outcome.

"Don't hurt yourself, Emmett." Bella and Emmett get into position and Jasper stands beside them.

"All right. On 3. 3!" Bella beats Emmett easily and everyone claps. Bella turns to Edward with a beaming smile.

"Did you see that?" Bella punches the rock nearby making it break and crumble, showing off her new found strength.

"Ah," Alex says as she leans against Jasper. "The excitement of youth and newfound strength." She leans towards Emmett. "Wanna see if you're the second or third strongest in the house?"

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