chapter 010

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Mrs. Pawly had made no fuss in greeting Alex back, it was something were both used to. Alex had to go there after school so she could begin again after her four week vacation.

Peter had no idea as to what Alex had to do, she didn't want to tell him either. Where he had to search for persons and convince them to join the Volturi, she had to decimate the vampires that no longer held interest to them.

Peter had driven them to school in total silence. He knew that something had happened when she had to go, it always did. When she came it would take weeks before she finally felt like herself again and he would support her every step of the way. He had given up on asking how it went or what she had to do, he just stayed with her when she tried to sleep and made sure she was okay.

It is Alex' first day back at school and the New Year just begun. Everyone is still not giving up on their New Year's resolutions of either going to the gym and/or eating healthy which makes them frustrated. It's the perfect reason for her to walk around without her trying to smile. She didn't want to feel happy just yet. She wants to mourn the dead in silence and filled with respect. However, she didn't want to let it show to the other students. Certainly not now that the Cullens were involved.

"Is there going to be another art piece found soon?" Alex looks up from where she was staring at the voice in front of her. She looks at the owner with a frown.

"What?" Confusion lacing her voice.

"Last time you were away, rather quickly a painting of our favorite artist turned up." She gives him a too perfect smile.

"Strange." He chuckles as he leans onto the lockers beside her, just as she places something in them.

"But are we?" She looks at him again.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She chuckles and walks away but Jasper quickly catches up to her.

"I have a feeling you do." He elbows her lightly and she smiles at him.

"I really don't have the energy for this." She kindly says, trying not to hurt his feelings but she knew that she didn't really care if she did. Alex turns and takes a sharp left, going in the classroom where she only had one Cullen to worry about.

Edward sits in the back on the left side and awkwardly waves at her as she enters the room. She gives him her perfect fake smile and sits at her usual place in the back near the window. She had no lab partner due to Peter skipping this class every single time and this time, she couldn't be more glad.

Biology was a class she excelled in so she wouldn't have to worry about concentrating. The teacher starts to babble about the lesson of today. Alex ignores him and looks outside, she didn't know how to work through this. Every single time it broke her down more.

The man in front of her screams in pain but she doesn't seem to care as she rips pieces off of him.

A woman charges at her in anger, only for Alex to grab her head and rip it off.

She sits upright as the images flash before her eyes. A soft groan from the other end of the class reaches her and she looks to her right, noticing a worried Edward looking at her. Her eyes widen as she remembers the fact that he could read minds. She grabs her books, makes an excuse to the teacher and quickly runs out of the classroom.

She runs far into the forrest and lets her books fall before falling down on her knees. A tear falls down her cheek as she starts to scream into the sky. She hated the things she had done in her life.

A crunch close by makes her open her eyes and she stands up, looking at the intruder. Jasper is slowly walking towards her.

"Get off my land." Her voice scarily low as she backs away. He stops walking and she notices Edward behind him. "Get away!" She shouts at him. "You've seen it," she snarls at him. "Now get away." Her body starts to shake and Edward reaches for his head.

"What is going on?" Jasper asks his brother as he backs away slowly, suddenly feeling the emotions the girl has. It was something he couldn't before she was breaking down.

"Her thoughts!" Edward grumbles and Jasper frowns as he looks at the girl. He focuses on her anger and hatred before turning it into calmness. Her breathing starts to come in hiccups as she starts to cry again and fall to her knees. Jasper slowly walks towards her and he looks at his brother for confirmation that it is okay to do so. Edward looks unsure at Jasper before finally letting go of his head in confusion. He nods, letting Jasper know that it is alright.

Jasper walks up to her and sits beside her, wrapping his arms around her.

"It is okay," he mumbles. "You're okay now." He pushes another wave of calmness over her and her hiccups start to disappear.

Edward walks towards them and crouches down with a frown. "I don't understand her." Jasper looks up as he notices that Alex is asleep.

"What'd you see?" He asks him.

"I don't know. It's in images." He groans. "I can't fully read her mind. It's killing me." Jasper chuckles as he stands up with the girl.

"Grab her books." He motions towards them and starts to walk towards the house, where Peter is just walking out of the door.

"What the fuck!" He shouts as he runs towards the Cullen's as he sees his sister limp in their arms. "What did you do?!" He tries to grab his sister before noticing that she is soundly asleep in Jasper's arms. "Well," he scratches his neck. "That's a first."

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