chapter 016

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Mornings in the Spure household were normally rather calm due to Peter's easiness and preparation. This time however was different.

"Alex," Peter yells and Alex head pops past the doorframe that leads towards the living room. "Stop making food and help me!"

Alex had never seen her brother like this and she still couldn't figure out what was wrong. He wouldn't exactly tell her.

"If you'd tell me, I'd knew!" She turns off the fire and walks towards him. All his diaries are spread out and he has a new one in his hand, busy scribbling things down. "Did you even sleep?" She carefully asks him as she kneels before him and takes the newest addition from his hands. He looks up and she notices the tiredness before he can even answer. "When was the last time you had a good night's sleep?" Alex softly grabs his hands and takes him to his bedroom as he struggles against her. She cab easily take him with her due to him being tired.

"It's not the last one." He mutters as he gets under the cover, not wanting to be even more stubborn than his sister normally was. Alex frowns as she kisses him on his forehead.

"I'll just stay here instead of going to school." She whispers and his eyes shoot open.

"School." He almost wants to get out of bed but she pushes him down. "You can't skip, it'll look suspicious." She chuckles at him.

"You just rest." She starts to hum their lullaby as he falls asleep with his head on her legs. "Frate," she whispers against his forehead. "I love you." She kisses his head before making sure he is fully asleep before making her way down the stairs and looking at the mess. She shakes her head, she would look at it in the afternoon.

Her mind is still on the diaries as she enters the school parking lot. She had been too consumed with the deal to even know where she was going but she quickly stops thinking about it as she exists the vehicle. Even though Edward may not be there and he might not be able to read her mind, it didn't hurt to take precautions.

It was a good thing that the Cullens hadn't shown up for a week, she didn't want to do small talk. She was tired from the nightmares and annoyed with the Volturi, of course there'd be some sort of clausule in the contract.

"I have never seen you arrive this late." Jasper states as she sits in her usual place near the window. Today was the day that the Cullens decided to show up and she hated them for it. As if they couldn't have waited another day.

She shrugs in response and looks at the teacher. Alice sits alone as Peter usually sits next to her and had already thrown a few confused looks at the Spure girl. After all, the siblings never missed a class except for the one that Peter almost never attended due to other obligations.

"Where's Peter?" He asks her subtly as he pretends to write something down.

"He's sick." She easily lies but quickly curses herself inwards. Wolves couldn't get sick and the vampires knew that. Jasper raises an eyebrow but decides not to press, knowing he ignored her for over a week after they had spend the night at the lake house.

Jasper had thought about it everyday, and more. How it was that easy to share his secrets with her. How it seemed easy for her to tell him everything. How she loved daffodils as they represented something new. He had loved the conversations and he had hated to hear her have nightmares, although he quickly dissolved them when he had pushed calmness over her. He had noticed he had that power over her when she was vulnerable. When she was breaking down in the woods, when she slept.

"He's just really tired." Alex mutters under her breath halfway the class and he looks over to her. She didn't need to explain herself and they both knew it, why she decided to do it.. he didn't quite understand. He nods in understanding and lets her listen to the teacher, knowing this was the subject she had problems with the most. As she starts to work kn the assignment, he subtly looks at her notebook, trying to uncover the problems.

"Chapter 14 is based on teamwork," the teacher calls out and Alex writes it down. "For this chapter I'd like to see a presentation of 15 minutes." Alex frowns and sighs softly. "Your partner will be the person next to you." Her eyes lock with Jasper and he smirks at her, making something in her chest feel warm. "Every duo will have a different subject so please," Alex quickly looks to the front. "Go all out." The teacher lays down a paper on every duo's table and Alex quickly grabs the one that is spread out for them.

"The difference between marriage/partnership in religion." Alex reads aloud.

"We better get starting, wanna come to my place after school?" Jasper smiles at her and she shakes her head. She had to look after Peter AND the fact that he is suddenly talking to her after a week is making her a little skittish.

"No thanks." She smiles at him before quickly walking out of the room.

"We have to get this done." He runs after her and she turns around.

"We do," she acknowledges. "But I don't really want to do homework with someone who has been ignoring me for a week." She turns back around and starts to walk towards her next class.

"I'm really sorry but I-.."

"Besides, I have a few things to do." She smiles kindly at him before going into the toilet, knowing he wouldn't wait on her if she is acting like this.

She waits a few minutes before getting out of the toilets, only to bump into Rosalie.

"Just the Spure sibling I was looking for!" Alex raises an eyebrow as she hears this. "I know Peter's birthday is coming up," the blond starts to explain. "And I was wondering if it'd be okay if Emmett and I took him to dinner on that particular day." Alex frowns as she thinks about the birthdays they'd had. They stopped celebrating them a while ago but always made sure that there was something to remind them of it.

"Yeah sure."

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