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This one is for the ones that have been here since the beginning or have just read the whole book in a row. Looking at you bellarosealice

Here are some conversations that I definitely think would've happened, had I thought about them earlier or had I found the right moment to put them in.

"You said your eyes were fluorescent?" Alex asks through her laughter.

"No," Edward sighs and looks towards Bella with an annoyed look. Why did she have to tell Alex that. "I said they changed because of the fluorescent lights." Alex stops laughing and purses her lips with a smile.

"That's even worse. Terrible thinking on your part." She starts to walk away. "Hey Emmett, guess what I just heard!"

Everyone had made their way in the garage to make sure that their plan was clear for everyone.

"You could've just told them that Bella was a snack." Alex mutters and Edward's head whips towards her while Rosalie shrugs.

"She has a point."

"She is and never will be." Edward angrily says to them both before walking to Bella and trying to calm her down.

"Right right, well, you can just lie sometimes you know."

"I don't lie."

"No, because everyone knows you're vampires that sparkle in the sun." Alex retorts with an eyeroll.

"You look absolutely stunning Alex." Harvey says with a smirk as she makes her way towards him. She had just gotten off the plane and he was there to help her get set. Even though she knew the way to his house well enough to walk it blindfolded, he wanted to treat the woman right.

"You're not that bad looking yourself." He hugs Alex and gives her three kisses on her cheek before wanting to give a kiss on her lips, but she quickly moves her head away and shakes her head. "First of all, not that kind of visit. Second.." she sighs as she wraps her arm in his as they walk towards his car. "I think I like someone. That's actually why I'm here."

"I'm flattered," Harvey's grin spreads out. "But you and I know that I don't do relationships." Alex jokingly punches his arm.

"No, you dick. I'm here to talk to Benjamin and Tia. I hope that they will talk some sense in to me."

"Regardless," he waves off her comment about him. "I must hear about this someone." His eyes light up as he imagines the two gossiping with a glass of wine only lit by the soft hue of candles. "Tell me all about him. Her?" Alex chuckles as she shakes her head. She looks through the window at the scenery before her and a soft smile plays on her lips.

"It's a him." Harvey keeps his squeel in as he sees the look on Alex' face. "An annoying one." She sighs and her hand flips towards the button for the radio. "Anything good on?"

Alex didn't know what to do and that rarely happened. She looks around frantically, hoping that no one saw them or maybe that everyone saw them. Maybe he would stop then.

"Pietro." She gasps and he growls loudly at her. There weren't many times that she had been afraid of her brother. Where he had his build and stamina, she had her anger and strength to carry her. "Pietro.." she whispers and his eyes turn to her, a bright red hue. She takes a step back and when he takes a step towards her, she feels the urge to scream but Alex knew that she wouldn't be heard. Not by anyone that would be able to help her. Even if there were vampires in the area, none could hold their own against a blood crazy Pietro.

He stalks towards her and Alex starts to run, she didn't know where but she knew that she had to get him out of town. Of course there were moments where she had been a bother to him, it was only natural. He usually was the calm one and she instigated fights at any given moment. But here she was.. running from the man that was supposed to help and protect her from outsiders and herself.

He charges at her as they enter the woods and Alex feels his bite, his anger. She growls at him, finally letting her anger out and his eyes widen as he notices the look in her eyes before she turns into a wolf, standing tall before him and baring her teeth. He smirks before doing the same, only to have a fight that wouldn't end for a decade.

Alex frowns as she looks at Emmett before her. "Look," he sighs. "Seriously Alex, when do I get my 100 dollars back. This is the last time I'm asking.

She shrugs. "Good. I was tired of you asking."

"Jasper my Jasper," Alex sings as softly so only he can hear her when she walks into the hallway at school. "You look absolutely stunning." He dips his head and Alex knew that he was smiling.

"You don't look that bad yourself." She hears him say. A smile erupts on her face.

"Why thank you," she walks towards him and ignores the people getting out of her path as they had done since she came to this school. "It's a good thing there are so many people around." He looks up and gives her a confused look. "It's such a beautiful thing that you're so innocent." She says with a smirk and realisation dawns on his face.

"Maybe it's a good thing that we discussed this already." Alex sighs as she gets closer to him.

"Right. Why did we do that again?"

"Ot was your decision." He hums with a grin on his lips.

"Again, why did we do that again?"

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