chapter 056

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"I don't think that I can keep it a secret." Edward's voice soft, a melody. Something that all the Cullens had, even if their emotions weren't positive.

Alex hated it when she couldn't sleep. She would just keep tossing and turning. Thinking was involved, way to much thinking.

"Why?" Alex knew why. She had seen it, she'd just heard it.

She couldn't exactly help Edward the way that she had wanted, but she did help him this afternoon. 'Something to be proud of' is what Peter said.

"I can't stay away. I don't think I can. I don't think I want to." He looks up and catches the look in Alex' eyes, but it isn't one of anger.

She knew that Edward couldn't stay away and though she had been foolish at first - thinking that it was just the fact that she was his bloodsinger - she now knew what it was. They were mates. She already knew, but now she actually realised it.

"Just be safe." That's all she said before turning around, she had helped him calm down. They even joked around before they got back to serious again.

It didn't mean that she had to be happy about it.

"He went ahead to pick up Bella." The annoyance in Rose's voice told her that she had an ally. The beautiful vampire did not like the fact that Edward was falling for a human, someone that could get hurt. Someone that maybe would have to turn into a cold one.

"Good for him." Alex replied, knowing that this would shock the rest in the car.

"What?" Even Jasper didn't understand. He felt her discomfort, he was even dealing with it himself.. that's how much it was.

"Peter is teaching me to be better."


It was almost the end of the school day when Edward stopped by Alex' locker with more questions than she could fathom.

"Don't ask me questions about a relationship." Alex looks at Edward with furrowed eyebrows and a slight look of disgust. "I'm just figuring that out myself."

"Yeah, but you didn't exactly run to Jasper, you were friends first.. right?"

"Well yeah," Alex looks slightly taken aback by that reply and places one of her books in the locker and grabbing another one. "Because I wasn't kind of ready yet. Besides, he got on my nerves." Edward raises an eyebrow and Alex notices the irritation in his eyes. "Right, like Bella for you." She mutters the last part and a snort leaves his mouth.

"So what do I do."

"I don't know. You're the mind reader, what do normal persons do?"

"I don't think that we would have a normal relationship." Edward simply replies, this made her slightly curious towards the answer though.

"Ask her questions? Get to know her?  That's how we got to know each other right?" It was true, on their walks he'd ask her anything, until he got her angry with the thousands of questions and she returned them. "Certainly cause you can't read her mind too."

"Yeah, she asked me today so I'll ask her tomorrow."

"Exactly." He turns around and walks away which makes Alex frown once again. "Aren't you forgetting something?" He turns around and a confused look covers his face before he rushes to her and hesitantly kisses the top of her head before leaving towards the doors with a quick 'bye', probably to meet up with Bella at the car. Alex sighs and closes her locker. She throws one more look to the doors and shakes her head while heading to her last class. "I meant more of a 'thank you Alex, you're the wisest person I know' kind of thing. Egotistical son of a gun."


So if anyone got that reference, I love you. NINE NINE

Anyone requests on something they'd like to see? Alex and someone bro bonding? Alex and Jasper fluff? Alex with the wolves? Maybe Jasper with someone? Or Peter? Peter and Harvey? Let me know..

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