chapter 024

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Peter had stayed behind as his sister had already made her way to the airport. At first they wanted to go to Egypt for a week, but Alex wanted just a little more time there. After all, she had finally come to terms with the fact that the Spures and the Cullens were friends instead of enemies.

Though the male of the Spure's loved his sister, he also liked to be without her. They had been together for over decades and they've had more stress over the last year than they'd had in all of those years, a week without one another would do them good.

Peter had decided to focus on his friendship with the married Cullens (besides their adoptive parents) and get some focus on his technical studies. But he had 5 days left for the latter, not including this one.

"Is it okay if I come over to your house?" He had asked Emmett who laughed at him. It had been no problem. The five of them had gotten to know one another a bit better at the bonfire party.

"Where's your other half?" Peter turns and looks at Rosalie. The Cullens had noticed that nothing could come between the pair. The way that they stood half in front of one another, to protect the other. The way that they had been at complete ease with the other at the bonfire.

"She's already gone on our holiday." He walks over to the kitchen and gives Esme a small hug. The woman enjoyed having the Spures at their house, they made them feel alive again. Though two of her children didn't held a certain interest in them, the bigger part of them did.

"Want something to eat?" She asks him as she hands him a glass of orange juice. Peter shakes his head and smiles kindly at him. "Alright, you know where everything is if needed. Have fun!" She says and looks towards the living room where they hear Emmett mutter 'we will'.

"Where are they going?" Peter asks before plopping down on the couch next to Emmett. The large male shrugs before placing the PlayStation in front of them and holding a controller out for the Spure sibling.

"Shopping, hunting.. Edward and Alice are roadtripping for the entirety of the vacation." Peter starts to laugh. "We had the same reaction."

"How did they come up with that idea?" Peter chuckles as Emmett logs on.

"Alice always wanted to do that but she doesn't like to go alone. She had a vision that she was going to meet someone important," Peter frowns at Emmett. "And Edward didn't want to linger alone. He's pretty spry for an old guy." Peter laughs at Emmett before the two consume in an online gaming fight.

Peter knew what Emmett said to be true. Edward's face often contorted into a frown as he looked at Alex but that was only because Alex always held a free spirit to her. Edward wanted to be that but Peter had seen that the boy wanted nothing more than to be as free as her, to be okay with his soul, to feel slightly more human.

What Edward didn't know - but Alex and Peter did - was that to feel human, you'd have to come to terms with the past. Whatever you did and may still do, or will do.. they don't define who you are. And even though the Cullens were vampires and the Spures were different to humans as well, it didn't define them. It was something that Alex had finally come to terms with just a few years ago.

"Where are you going on holiday?" Emmett absentmindedly asks.


"Oh?" Emmett pauses the game and looks over to Peter. The latter raises an eyebrow. "How are you going to cope with the sunlight?" Peter tries to hide the fear coming over him.

"What do you mean?" Emmett shrugs as he unpauses the game.

"You can't be just wolf. You don't really smell like one. Besides, you've been alive to long for that." This time it was Peter who pauses the game. "Bro?! I was just kicking your ass." He turns to Peter who is looking straight at him.

"Are you the only one who thinks that?" Emmett nods.

"I don't think about it with Edward around but yeah." Peter chuckles.

"You're smarter than everyone gives you credit for."

"Well thank you," Emmett smiles before frowning. "Wait what?"

But Peter's mind was far from that scene.

There had not been many beings that truly knew what they were and even though they identified with werewolves the most, they were more than that. Only the highest in the ranks of the Volturi knew what they were and only one vampire had known, but it was only because he had the ability to see their powers.

Peter's mind was solely on his sister. He worried about her. Certainly now that she couldn't hide her feelings very well and she had feelings. He knew that Jasper and she had made up, the Cullens joining them to go to the party showed exactly that. But there was a reason why Alex wanted to go to Egypt and seek out their long lasting friends. She needed advice and guidance. Everyone who knew the girl, knew that she couldn't deal with feelings and Peter knew that the last assignment of the Volturi had taken a lot of willpower to forget, making the new one even more thicker to swallow.

"Pete?" The young man flutters his eyes before looking at Emmett. "You okay?" The first one nods.

"Don't tell anyone," Emmett raises an eyebrow. "Please?"

Emmett looks in the broken eyes of the Spure boy and feels his heart break. He had only seen that look a few times, but he knew that he had to keep their secret. They were friends after all.

"I will, don't worry." Emmett flashes his signature grin and Peter scoffs jokingly.

"That's all I seem to do these days."

Sign Of The Times || Jasper Haleحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن