chapter 025

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Alex looked uncomfortable

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Alex looked uncomfortable. That was the only thing that Peter could call it. She had glasses on, a sundress and a large hat, to be able to even step into the sun. Peter chuckles as he sees his sister and her head rises while she takes of her sunglasses. Her eyes shine bright as if she had not seen him two weeks ago and she starts to run towards her brother.

He catches her as she jumps and she doesn't seem to want to let go. "I missed you!" She whispers in his ear and he rubs her back for support. She had never been the one to go away alone, only if it was completely necessary. But this was a new year and a new Peter and a new Alex.

"Wasn't Harvey nice to you?" She chuckles as he lets her go and pulls him along to her car.

"Yeah, but you can't really distract him and go away." Peter starts to laugh as he knew how Harvey would get.

"I'll distract him." Alex scoffs. "Not like that you dirtbag."

"I wasn't talking about that. I was just wondering what nonsense you'd get in this time." Peter mocks a gasp but Alex just rolls her eyes.

Peter had always been a little more serious than his sister. Just a smidge. But when it came to Harvey, Peter was undeniably an idiot. They both were. Alex didn't care of they did something stupid because they both couldn't actually die easily, but she did worry about the effects of having to go home. Back to Forks. A small sting places itself in her chest as she thinks of Forks. She takes a breath and let the feeling slide. This was not the time.

"I think we're going to play some games." Peter says to his sister as she drives. "I'm a little tired."

He didn't like having secrets, but he knew that his sister wouldn't want to go back if she knew that Emmett had a slight idea of what they were. And Peter wanted to go back, he knew his sister and he knew that she also wanted to go back. Even if she denied it, there was something there that drew her attention every single time.

"Sure," Alex replies as she drives up the small street that Harvey had made especially for his grand house. "That's what you always say." She pulls up and looks at her brother. "You want me to come with or can I go and run to Benjamin and Tia?" He chuckles and pats her shoulder.

"You go. You've had to deal with Harvey to long." She pecks his cheeks and drives off as soon as Peter had his bags.

Alex thinks of Harvey and Peter as she drives towards her destination but shakes it off. They'd be okay.


"It's been a while, hasn't it?" Alex asks the man in front of her.

Benjamin and Tia were a power couple. Alex had always admired them. She had met the young man when he was still in his newborn fase and he quickly learned that she wasn't scared of his abilities. Though they had fought, a sense of familiarity was what they had found in each other. Benjamin had been turned only because Amun had seen a certain future for him, it wasn't what Benjamin wanted. At all. This was where Alex had seen the same look as she had seen in the mirror for so long.

It was only a few years where she accepted what she was and what she had done. Benjamin was the one to confront her about her dark thoughts. He had molded her into the woman she was now.

"It has." Benjamin smiles at his old friend just as Tia returns and hands Alex an alcoholic beverage.

"Thank you." She quickly takes a sip and looks at the red eyed couple in front of her. It had always disgusted her to see that color in someone's eyes, but these two made it less apparent. "So how are things?" She asks with a small smirk and Benjamin rolls his eyes before starting a story of what Amun did this time. The man was still trying to mold Benjamin into a weapon and he still had to play hide and seek. The Volturi wasn't to know about the young man and woman in front of her, they'd be stolen away.

"And that's when Tia stepped up." The woman smiles a little as she looks at her mate. "She told Amun to shove it where the sun doesn't shine." Her eyes widen as she slaps the arm of Benjamin.

"I'm guessing not in those words?" Benjamin chuckles as he wraps his arm around Tia.

"Not exactly." Alex laughs at his reply before standing up to grab another drink. "We could do that?" Benjamin wants to get up but Alex waves him off and walks inside the sand stone building. She looks around and starts to remember when the Romans went against the Egyptians. There were still parts of Egypt where the buildings were not rebuilt.

"Alex." The woman closes her eyes and takes a deep breath before turning towards the man.

"Amun. Good to see you." She politely says. "You look well." He chuckles softly.

"Thank you. You look like you haven't aged a day." She smiles at him.

"Thank you." She pours a little in her glass but shrugs and takes the bottle with her before awkwardly waving at the leader of the coven.

"You were called." Alex raises an eyebrow as Tia holds out her phone for her. "It was Harvey." She mutters before walking away.

Alex raises an eyebrow before redialing the phone number. It takes a few tries before someone picks it up.


She frowns as she hears the unfamiliar voice. "Yes hello," the woman replies. "This phone was at the bottom of the pyramid but we haven't had visitors this weekend so we thought we could redial the last number." Alex groans as she starts to massage her temples. "Do you want to pick it up?"

"Yeah, I'll come and get it right away." She turns to see the young couple behind her with a smirk evident on Benjamin's face. "I think they're in trouble, I should go and get them."

"Or you could leave them to stew a little and talk about why you're here?" Alex chuckles and nods before sitting down and grabbing the bottle.

"That's a way better idea."

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