chapter 66

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Alex didn't sleep, she couldn't. Jasper had been the one to get her to sleep lately and he was officially gone.

"Pietro?" Her voice calls out through the house and within a few seconds his head pops through the door.

"Can't sleep?" She shakes her head and he makes his way to her bed, pushing her to the side so he can lean against the headboard while he pulls her head to his chest. "It'll be okay."

"I know." She sighs and turns a little so she's more comfortable. "I'm just a little sad right now. I feel like crying but nothing is really coming." He chuckles and strokes her hair.

"Wanna hear something funny?" She slowly nods and he purses his lips before letting out a choked laugh. "Harvey got accepted." Alex sits up and raises her eyebrows. "He's going to be the new guidance counselor." He starts to chuckle again and Alex let's out a breathy laugh.

"He's going to hate us." Peter shrugs and pulls her back to his chest.

"He can live with it. At least now he can legally rent a place." He pulls a little on a strand of hair and makes a sound. "Oh I forgot but Charlie called you a few times." Alex frowns and sits up. "Yeah, I didn't know if you were asleep though you were tossing a bunch so I just let it buzz."

It didn't take long for Alex to run downstairs and call Charlie back. His number was the last caller and he'd called her seven or eight times.

Bella was missing.

He wondered if maybe she was with her but than either of them would have called and when it got darker out, he still hadn't heard from his daughter. He was going to find a search party and Alex looked outside, taking notice of the heavy weather. She knew why Bella was gone. It was partly her fault.

"I'll try and look for her too."

"Don't go out into the woods alone!" Charlie warns and Alex replies with a no, she would make sure that her brother joined her.

She knew that Sam would already be searching for the young girl so she changed quickly and howled loud enough for a wolf to hear, but not loud enough for the humans to be frightened. He responds within a matter of second and both Peter and Alex make their way to him. Sam had searched for Bella for a few hours but he was yet to find her.

It was remarkable to Alex how the supernatural worked. Bella must've either been in pain or in another weak state, because her blood called out to Alex. But she was in her wolf state, so everything felt different. Easier.

"Bella," Sam kneels down before the girl and looks her over. "Have you been hurt?" Alex looks over his shoulder at the girl and finds recognition in her eyes as she looks at Alex. "Bella?" Sam tries again. "My name is Sam Uley." A frown covers Bella's face though barely unrecognisable. "Charlie sent me to look for you." A flicker of something lights up in Bella's eyes and Alex sighs with a bit of happiness, at least she was alive enough to hear them. Alex holds out her hand for Bella to take and Bella looks at it but doesn't understand that she is to pull herself up with it.

"Well then." Alex mutters before reaching over and picking up Bella, holding in her breath as she does so.

"It'd be easier for Charlie to believe that I carried her." Sam says as he notices the strange behaviour. Alex nods and hands her over, making sure that Bella is somewhat comfortable as she hangs limp in Sam's arms.

"We've got her!" Sam yells as Alex and he walk unto the small clearing that held many flashlights, men, maps.

Charlie rushes over and glances kindly at Alex before looking Bella over. "I don't think she's hurt. She just keeps muttering 'he's gone'." Charlie frowns and looks at Alex once again, she was dating one of the brothers as well. She awkwardly nods, not knowing what to say.

"Bella, honey. Are you all right?"

"Charlie." The crack in Bella's voice was almost enough to make the stoic Alex weak. To make her cry about having to miss her Jasper, searching for Bella when Edward left her all alone..

"I'm right here baby." He looks at Sam and motions for the burly man to hand over his daughter. Charlie looks a little weak in the knees and Sam looks over towards Alex with an unsure look.

"Maybe I should hold on to her."

"I've got her." His sound slightly breathless. "Alex, thank you. I got it from here. Please go home. I can't imagine that this is where a young woman should be at the moment." She wants to intervene but he is right, this wasn't where she wanted to be. She wanted to be home, cradled by her brother as she cried all the tears she could muster before going on with her life.

She slowly nods and pushes Sam to follow Charlie and protect the man and girl as they walk home.

It didn't take long for the smell of burning wood to enter Alex' nostrils and she looks towards the La Push part of the forrest. She knew what they were and why they were there.

The wolves were glad that the Cullens were gone and were celebrating with large bonfires. Alex opens the door towards their home and Peter runs towards his drenched sister as tears mingle with the rain and pulls her in a hug towards the couch.

"I was hoping you'd be home before they were lit." He mutters and Alex closes her eyes, not being able to close out the happy screams and yells she heard on the way home.

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