chapter 003

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Forks, Apothecary

"Good afternoon Mrs. Pawly." The girl greets her boss before putting on her apron and getting behind the counter and sorting a few sales.

"Have a nice day at school Alex?" The old woman asks the girl who nods excitedly.

"We're currently learning about several wars in History, it's really interesting."

"Oh dear, when you are as old as me, you've lived through all the wars." The girl chuckles at the woman before working on the shelves.

It was the day after Jasper confronted her and she threatened his family. They didn't sit with her at lunch, although she saw that the pixie haired girl wanted too. She saw the curiosity but glared at them with a subtle hint of a threat.

She was now at her daily job at the apothecary, where she found herself doing different things everyday. She didn't need the job but she had to work if she wanted to look normal instead of rich, it was a rarity in this small town.

"The stock is here, the hospital will get it later in the afternoon." The old woman was not good with pulling all the boxes around and was glad with Alex' help, she adored the girl with her politeness and accent. The latter remembered her of her husband and she gladly held the girl for the job until she was no more.

She didn't mind the girl sometimes being gone for a while, as long as she came back.

"Who is getting it? Dr. Snow or Dr. Gerandy?" the doctors themselves came to get the stuff, Brett got the stuff once and everything had gone wrong.


"Carlisle," Brett walks up to the man and holds out papers. "Are you okay with getting the supplies for this week?" Carlisle looks at the girl in front of him and gives a nod. "It's just that Dr. Gerandy is fully planned out this afternoon and you aren't."

"It's okay Brett," he calms her down and gives the woman a knee-weakening smile. "The apothecary is close to the police station right?" the girl nods.

"If you want a map," the girl already tries to walk away but Carlisle holds her still. "I know the way, I've been there a few times before for my family." the girl nods and quickly walks to her desk where a phone is ringing loudly.

Carlisle walks to one of his clients before getting ready to take the truck and driving to the apothecary but Brett stops him.

"There work two people," she tells him which confuses Carlisle. "And they both have to sign but if the younger signs alone it's good as well. She has official documents and stuff."

"I thought only Mrs. Pawly worked there?" Brett nods.

"Yeah but she lets Alex work there because she has all kinds of papers since she used help her mother in the hospital." Carlisle nods and grabs the papers from Brett before giving her a small smile and getting in the truck.


Alex hands the woman in front of her the change. "Watch out with pomegrenades and if you feel any kind of side effects that are not included in the leaflet, please give us a call or go to the hospital." the woman thanks her before turning around. The door opens and the man holds open the door for the woman before walking in himself.

The boxes are in the back and Alex immediately walks towards them, she wanted the man to get back to the hospital quickly as she knew that sometimes there were emergency cases.

"This is the first box doctor-.." She looks up and stops mid sentence as she sees the new doctor. She keeps her eyes from widening to far. "Cullen." She finishes before he even introduces himself. She knew there were only two doctors and she both knew them, she also knew that a new doctor was in town since the Cullens came. She also knew exactly who Carlisle Cullen was.

"And you are?" He holds out his hand for her to shake with a slight confused smile on his face.

Alex puts the box down and shakes his hand out of politeness and feels the cold. A shudder glides down her back as she repels the idea of giving him a headkick. "Alex. Alex Purse." She grabs the box and walks through the front door leaving a stunned Cullen behind her.

"Shall I help with some boxes?" He asks to which she replies with a shake of the head.

"I always do it on my own." She replies with a kind smile. "Mrs. Pawly is too old so I got some muscles since working here." She says as she walks into the back.

Doctor Cullen didn't know what to do. He knew the boxes were to heavy for the average human which set his mind into thinking about the girl. He recognised her immediately from the paintings but did not want to confront her. The way she stopped mid sentence, he knew that she saw him like the others. A vampire. It hurt him, it honestly did.

People who just met him thought he was handsome, he didn't care for that. But they found him to be incredibly smart and helpful, that this girl saw him - and his family - as what they honestly were, it made him hurt inside and he did not like one bit of it. He didn't like the hurt she was giving him, he didn't like the threat she formed and he certainly did not like not knowing how she knew all of it.


"She works in an apothecary Edward," Carlisle tries to reason with his adopted son. "She cannot be a vampire, she has to be human or over a thousand years old." He sighs as he holds his head in his hands. Esme walks over to him and stands behind her husband. She places her hands on his shoulders and looks at her adopted family.

"But Carlisle," Rosalie begins.

"Carlisle can only do this because of his extraordinary desire to be around humans." Edward intercepts his sister.

"Carlisle," Esme says to the man that is sat down and looks defeated. He had thought that the only problem he had from now own was to move every once in a while, yet here the girl was. "Did she say anything else?" He looks at his wife.

"Not in particular towards me. Except she made stupid jokes." Edward starts to read Carlisle's mind and gives a chuckle.

"She's horrible with jokes." He looks towards Jasper who is remembering their threat. They were still searching for the answers behind her, even though she had told them not to. "No one gets around to threatening my family." He says before running out of the house.

"He's going after her." Alice announces. "Stay here!" She runs after him.

"I can not shake the feeling that she reminds me of someone." Carlisle says as he stands up. He hugs his wife before his eyes widen.

"What is it Carlisle?" Rosalie asks as she has to hold Emmett from going after Edward and Alice.

"Romania!" He exclaims. "She has the exact accent!"

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