chapter 031

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It had taken three more trips into the woods for Edward and Alex to have a nicely filled herbarium. The waiting was the worst part, Alex knew exactly how long it took for certain plants to dry and that the humidity in the room had to be right. She had an extra room in the house that they used especially for these kinds of stuff.

In the end it was all worth it. Edward and Alex had gotten an A+ for their herbarium and she had given it to Edward to take home, to remind him of fun. He had chuckled at that, he knew exactly that everyone thought of him to be grumpy. He had showed Alex that he was more than that.

What Alex didn't know was the fact that they could've gotten everything in two trips instead of four, but Jasper had asked for Edward to be a distraction a few more times as he had finally gotten into a good conversation with Peter. The eldest Spure sibling had told him about their time with the Volturi and the last time he had finally gotten to the young man in the picture. The fact was that that particular young man had hurt her terribly. Peter had made it clear that it was up to her to tell Jasper more about it and that was completely okay with the Cullen.

The friendship between Jasper and Alex grew and they enjoyed some quality time together. Whether it was watching a movie, studying together - which she only allowed because they got an A last year - or one watching while the other was busy with their hobby. Their friendship had grown severely the last month and everyone around the two noticed. The way that they teased one another and how they helped each other.

And here they were, in the Spure's backyard. Peter was out doing God knows what and they had the whole place to themselves. If this had happened last year, Alex would be feeling nervous. But it wasn't and she didn't because they both had kept their feelings to themselves to preserve their friendship, something that they both didn't want to see thrown away.

Jasper is looking at her work while she was busy trying to make it work. She had a certain love for older cars and she had been working on a green Daf 66, an automatic car that could drive as fast backwards as it did forward. She knew how to make it work yet it wasn't starting. Alex huffs and a piece of her hair flies out of her face.

"Need help?" Alex looks over to Jasper who is laying on the picnic blanket and enjoying the warmth of the sun. His skin looks like a thousand fiamonds pressed together and she had to stop herself from reaching out, wanting to feel if his marble like structure had changed. She knew it hadn't, but every single time there was a curiosity that creeped into her mind.

"No," she looks back at the engine. "Probably just need a new carburetor." She grabs a cloth and wipes her hands off before sitting down and reaching past Jasper for a drink. "I think it just doesn't get enough fuel." Jasper leans on his arms.

"I could look at it?" She starts to chuckle.

"Like when you couldn't pinpoint what the problem was with your car?" He smirks at her.

"I just wanted to see you do your thing." She rolls her eyes but a smile creeps onto her face. "But I could get Emmett?" She shakes her head.

"I'll figure it out." He grabs his laptop and she just stares at the car in front of her. She had to put it back inside, it would start raining soon.

"Oh there's a new one!" He exclaims and she raises an eyebrow as she looks at him. "Ocean's Eleven?"

"Ohlala," she leans into his side and looks at his screen. The trailer plays and she frowns. "But it's already in theatres. We have to go soon." He nods, already liking the way that she says we as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

"We could grab dinner before or after?" He looks at her and she sits back a little, they were awfully close.

"A date?" She asks for clarification as she looks bamboozled and he shrugs.

"If you want?" Normally she'd make a comment to wipe of the smirk from his face but she couldn't.

"But you can't eat." She states as if it was the most obvious thing in the world and he starts to laugh.

"I know." She sticks out her tongue and stands up.

"It's a date." She nods in confirmation. "Next Friday?" He nods and Alex downs her drink before smirking at him. "Pick me up at 5:30," he raises an eyebrow at her. "We can get food before that." He nods and gets up, giving her a hug before leaving.

Her cheeks flame up as he leaves the premises. "Oh my." she mutters as she thinks about next Friday. A date. It was something she had not felt like she deserved but here she was, saying yes to one. "Oh crap." She sits down and sighs. How was she going to tell Peter.

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