chapter 71

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There was no tricky part in telling his family, they had all heard through Alice that he was thinking of proposing and all they needed was to see who was calling them to either scream out in happiness or congratulate him or make some sort of vulgar comment. The latter by Emmett and a chuckle was heard in the background before they heard a congratulations from Rosalie.

The tricky part was telling the wolves. She hadn't necessarily told them that she was still with Jasper and how could they, the one time that she wasn't around when they had needed her it was Peter who told them that she was gone on a drinking binge. Of course they believed that.

She decided that it wasn't important to tell them right at the moment. She also decided not to tell anyone at school. Peter and Harvey agreed, it would be to strange. They had to appear as teenagers after all.


Bella was the one person that Alex did not want to tell. She knew how far she has come from being locked up in her room and the thought of her going bad again lingered in her mind.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Alex looks up and right in Jasper's eyes. They were laying in her bed where he was holding her so she could sleep easy.

"Penny isn't much."

"He that despises the little is not worthy of the great." Jasper replies and she chuckles.

"I'll tell you for free then." She turns her head and looks at their interlaced fingers. "Bella." Jasper freezes a little and Alex looks at him again. She knew that he had a hard time forgiving him for something that everyone knew could happen and that didn't happen.

"What about her?" He starts playing with her hand. A habit that they both had when they talked about subjects that hit the home base a little to hard.

"She's going to be so hurt by this."

"Didn't she know?"

"Not exactly. I mean, I never told her that we broke it off but this is a step that I knew she wanted to take with Edward." She tries her best to say his name with minimal venom.

"Still not over it?" She sits up immediately and looks at him.

"He knew what he was doing when he brought Bella in. It could've easily been me!" She raises her voice. "And to top that he made sure that all of you moved!"

Jasper grabs her hands and rubs his thumbs over them. "No need to get upset, we're okay." He kisses her hands and smiles at him. "More than okay." She smiles at him and shyly looks down.

"We're engaged." She sighs happily. "I never thought that I'd say that ever again."

"And I hope after we're married you never have to again." She leans over and starts kissing him.

"Knock knock," Harvey barges in. "Hope I'm not interrupting."

"We're literally making out." Alex sighs.

"Well stop that, one night alone was good enough." Harvey opens the curtains and Alex hisses at the light.

"Are they done." Peter walks in with his hand over his eyes.

"Well we are now." Jasper sighs and pecks Alex on the cheek. "I'm going to shower." He walks out and Alex sighs at the two man.

"What do you want?"

"We gotta celebrate!" Peter enthusiastically says as he jumps on the bed beside her. Harvey joins him and she smiles at the two.

"And you had to end my one on one time with my fiancé for that?"

"Ooh fiancé." Harvey cooes and Peter looks at her with concern.

"Are you okay?" She nods.

"More than okay." She leans over and hugs him. "Now get out." They quickly scuffle of her bed and towards the exit. "Wait!" They slowly turn around as if they are caught with something. "What kind of party do I have to get dressed for?" They shrug.

"Just a simple one."

And it was a simple one. Just the four of them in the backyard. The infamous picnic blanket sprawled out, a music installation all set up. The Christmas lights were on and all kinds of games were layed out.

Alex smiles and looks at Jasper in front of her who is just drinking the animal blood laced with wine as he looks at the certain types of food spread out.

"This looks disgusting." He says as he points to one particular food.

"I cooked that."

"Looks delicious." Alex smiles and wraps her arms around him.

"You're a terrible liar." She pecks his lips and looks at Peter and Harvey. "Thank you, it looks beautiful."

"Look," Peter walks over to her. "We are just very happy that you are happy." A warm feeling erupts in her stomach and she wraps her arms around her brother. "If you're happy, I am happy." She knew that the words were true, but she also knew that he missed his late wife and certainly at moments like this.

"I love you." Her words muffled by his shirt. She inhales deeply and smells the same things that she has been doing all these years. Orange and cedar wood. Home.

"I love you too." He kisses the top of her head and squeezes tighter.

"Yes well, that is long enough you two." Harvey pulls them apart and pulls her into a hug. "What Peter said." He mutters and Alex starts to laugh. Harvey wasn't one for feelings.

"Well," she wipes a happy tear away and feels Jasper's arm snake around her waist. "Let's get this party started." They hand her a glass of wine and she clinks it with Jasper's glass. "Congratulations."

"Congratulations ma'am." He replies and kisses her once more.

The evening went on and Jasper felt how easy it was to be around Alex' little family. They could do all kind of ridiculous stuff and the others wouldn't be bothered. Their feelings were light and breezy. He joined in with the fun and Alex heart felt as warm as a beautiful summer's day. She didn't want it to stop.

But of course, to every beautiful moment there had to be an end. They went cliff diving in the middle of the night and though Alex enjoyed the thrill, she was also getting tired.

"I'm going to head in." She points towards the house. "You boys have fun." She saw how Jasper was with Harvey and Peter and she loved it. The three most important men in her life were good with one another.

She speeds home but smells something different. She quickly opens the door and Alex' throat dries instantly before she starts to breathe heavily as she looks in the room. There - on top of their table - was the last letter of the Volturi, complete with a small vase filled with roses.

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