chapter 055

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It was Tuesday afternoon and Alex was just arriving at the Cullen household. Peter was on his flight safe and sound and the vampire family had invited her for dinner before everyone would go back to school again tomorrow. Alex places the car to the side and her hand flies to the doorhandle, but it is already being opened. The young woman smiles at the blond in front of her and her arms wrap themselves around him.

"How was it?" Jasper softly kisses Alex on her nose as they hug and he smiles at her.

"It was nice, Emmett won but Edward lost so it was good." Her ears perk at the name and she slightly frowns.

"Where is Edward?" She hadn't heard him inside, not like the rest. He frowns slightly but shakes his head, signaling that it wasn't important. She would come to find out that it wasn't, except things were never that easy.

"Esme prepared Mexican." A big smile appears on Alex' face and Jasper presses a kiss on her head before leading her towards the door. Food would almost always be her weakness.

Alex immediately knew that something was up when Jasper, Esme, Carlisle, Alice and she sat at the table. Edward, Rosalie and Emmett were nowhere in sight. So she questioned the situation while being polite. Jasper had helped her with her communication skills just as much as she helped him.

It turned out that Esme had thrown Rosalie out of the house. (Emmett following his wife to make sure that she was okay) The fiery blonde had made a scene when Edward had gone and followed Bella. As they recalled, Rosalie called it stalkerish, pathetic and not necessary. Alex had to agree slightly but she was only just getting a handle on her anger and hunger and the only ones who would be able to calm were Peter and Jasper. Only the latter being in the safe area.

Alice had seen a vision - just vaguely - and Bella appeared to be in some sort of danger and that was the reason that Edward had gone. He wanted to protect her from harm, making sure to keep himself out of sight.

That is why there were always two sides of the story.

"Thank you for the delicious food." Esme smiles at the young woman. As soon as Alice had mentioned Alex and the way that Jasper felt, she wanted to take her into her house. Jasper had been lonely for far to long.

"You're welcome." Jasper takes her hand and pulls her along, letting her awkwardly wave at the rest of the family before they get outside, their usual path, and he kisses her. He stops and she smiles at him.

"What was that for?" He rolls his eyes and takes her hand once more, both of them strolling down the woods.

"You always ask that."

"I'm always curious."

"You handled yourself amazingly in there."

"Can I vent now?" He laughs and nods. "Every human can be hurt, vampires and wolves can be hurt. All of us can be hurt. Why her?" The last part sounding both angry and a little whiny. Bella was nice enough, but it hurt her to be around the human.

"They're mates." Jasper easily shrugs. "Vampires do whatever they can to protect their mate." Alex knew that Jasper didn't mean it that way but a slight pang of guilt rang through her chest. Vampires do whatever they can to protect their mate. It was as if hybrids didn't. Well, they didn't. At least not that they knew off. But they chose their partner and that had to count for something.

"He's coming home." Jasper says and he pulls her to a halt. Alex looks at him and his phone, quickly understanding that Alice texted him this. "We should be there," they rush towards the house and she quickly hears him say. "Or at least you."

"Wait what?" The rest of the Cullens had abandoned the house, relying completely on Alex' negotiation skills.

"You're kind of his best friend." Jasper mutters before Edward arrives. Alice had warned them, he was in a mood. Though talking to Bella had calmed him down, it was only temporarily.

"I hate the guy." She replies with a frown and Jasper raises an eyebrow while smiling at her. "Sometimes. I guess he's okay." She sighs deeply and nods. "Alright, I'll help." She kisses him softly and he walks away. "But you all owe me big time!"


"The things they-.." he stops and Alex sees the black in his eyes. He may be fast, but she was strong. "They wanted-.." Alex throws him some wood but he rips it in half easily, making the woman tilt her head slightly. She hadn't expected that.

Edward had seen red with anger when he came home, she recognised the look. But she also knew that he would regret it if he hurt someone or broke something in the house so she threw him of the balcony and made their way towards the Spure land. Peter wanted a large garden and if some trees were broken, it would make her job easier.

A noise comes out of the back of his throat and Alex feels the anguish. The familiar sound makes tears appear in her eyes. Goosebumps run over her arms and a shiver reaches her back, making her look at the young man in wonder. How much did he care for her, to feel this kind of pain.

"Eddie?" He narrows his eyes at her and she raises her hands. "Wrong moment. Come here, sit here." She points to the tree that had fallen against another, making for a sort of bench. He does as she says and breaks a little of the tree with the force of his hands that try to hold the tree. Alex crouches down in front of him. "Close your eyes."

He does as she says and Alex frowns. This young beautiful man had worry and pain written all over his face and her heart starts to ache for Edward, one of the few real friends she has.

"Take a deep breath through your nose." Though he keeps his eyes closed, he raises an eyebrow. "What do you smell?"

He does as she says. "The wet moss, your awful shampoo, you painted something in your house?"

"What do you hear?" She asks, completely ignoring his comment about her hair.

"Your windchimes, they're even louder than the leaves."

"What do you feel, describe it in detail."

"The tree bark. It's old, as if I ca break it with just a small bit of pressure."

"What do you see?"

He opens his eyes and a small smile appears on his face once he sees the worried look on her face. "Thank you." Alex just shrug with a big smile.

"You should thank Jasper, he taught me." She sits down on the trunk next to him and takes in his defeated look. "Now slowly tell me."

"She knows." He softly says. "She knows about me.. about my family." She frowns and he raises his hand. "She more perceptive than I thought and I-.."

"I'm glad." Alex simply replies. "Now she can finally make the sensible decision. You're not mystery man anymore, you're just Edward." She looks at him with a teasing smile and he pushes her, making her fall into the mud. "Oh, it's on."


For those who don't know: in the books, Bella actually learns about Edward in the car on the ride back from Edward saving her so I kind of kept that in?

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