chapter 018

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"Where's your girlfriend?" Jasper rolls his eyes at his brother. "You two fighting?" Jasper chuckles at Emmett.

"Yeah Em," Jasper stands up. "We're fighting. Because she has a nice sibling and I'm stuck with you." Emmett starts to laugh but follows Jasper.

"No but seriously, I haven't seen her all week at school." Emmett pushes and Jasper sighs softly. "I thought everyone was cool with each other?" Jasper shrugs as he let's himself fall into the couch once more.

"I don't know. I can't get a clear signal from her." Jasper closes his eyes and he remembers the night at her lake house. She had told him that he wasn't a monster. He could say that he didn't give that statement a second thought, but Edward would tell him that he was a liar. He had been thinking about it, and the hurt that was evident in her voice when she had told him that she had known monsters.

"Just ask her." Jasper opens his eyes and raises an eyebrow at his brother who is sitting easily in the grey fauteuil, watching sport on the TV.

"What do I ask?" Jasper sits up a little. "Hey Alex, are you mad at me? Because I'm behaving like some sort of stalkerish school girl when we don't talk."

"I mean, that's a little out there but you could just ask her to do the homework you two share." Jasper groans as he falls back. It was the simplest thing anyone could come up with, yet he didn't. "It's not that hard."

"I don't think she has the same problem though."

Jasper had finally begun to get familiar with the Spure siblings. He had hated the idea of the two threatening their family but they weren't all bad. Jasper and his family had finally found out why Jasper had wanted to irritate them so much and why he had wanted to disassociate himself from them. He had a pull with Alex. She however, did not seem to feel it. He hated that they could go weeks without talking. He wanted to talk to her every single day if she allowed him. But she was a person on her own and she seemed to like it that way.

"Rose and I are taking Peter out for dinner tomorrow for his birthday," Jasper looks at his brother. "Maybe you could do some homework then." Emmett flails his eyebrows around and smirks at his blond brother.

Jasper starts to laugh. Edward and Jasper had kept quiet on the night spend at the lake house, but the married siblings had some wild thoughts about that night. The two brothers had decided to keep it that way, play along for a little.

Jasper had decided to follow up on Emmett's advice and go to the Spure household to see if Alex was up to do homework the next day. However, they were nowhere to be found he arrived. There was a certain smell of dog that he had come to hate.

He followed the scent of the Spure siblings but stopped himself right before entering the wolf territory. He frowns as he looks at the forrest in front of him. What were they doing there?


Peter groans as he holds back one of the boys that was trying really hard not to change. Alex holds the head of the boy and is talking in a calming, soothing voice. She had done this a few times before. So had he. After all, the siblings didn't control their change at first either.

"It's okay." The boy mutters after a while.

They had found out that Sam had a whole pack with him in a small amount of time. He didn't really know how to cope or help them keep their changing at bay. They had seen what he had done to Emily, the scars still fresh, and he didn't want the boys to have the same impact on their family. None of them wanted that.

"You're okay?" Alex' voice still soft. She looks him in the eye and notices the tiredness. "You need to sleep. If you don't get enough rest, you won't be able to control it as easy." He nods and walks into the cabin.

"You guys handled that well." They hear as they were just leaning against eachother. Alex raises her head and looks at the alpha.

"Practice makes perfect." She chuckles  and the two males follow along with her laugh.

They all sit down at the picnic table just outside the cabin, just as Emily walks out with a tray of drinks. A cup of tea, a cup of coffee and two beers. She knew the siblings well enough to know that they almost didn't drink anything other than liquor past 3 in the afternoon.

"We met them all?" Sam nods as he grabs his coffee. "I'm waiting for Jakob to turn, but it seems as though that might take a while. Same with his friends." Alex chuckles. That would take a while. Jakob was just a boy, not nearly of the age that the average boy turned.

"Well then," Alex says as she downs the rest of the beer. They had slipped into an easy conversation about all kinds of things. "I'm going to go home and take a shower."

"You're not staying for dinner?" Emily asks her as she had been going inside a few times to check on the food.

"Oh crap, were you counting on us?" Alex' suddenly starts feeling ashamed. She had been acting as her old self again.

Peter and she had decided that they would try and turn a new leaf. After all, they were helping Sam with his new wolves and were slowly befriending the Cullens.

"Well you're already here, dinner is in half an hour." Alex chuckles sheepishly.

"I guess I'll stay then." Alex chuckles and looks around for the ashtray. She had been here a few times and knew that there was one.


"Thank you so much!" Alex thanks Emily as she gets up to go home. Sam and Peter were still in an animated discussion but Alex felt herself tire. She had been drifting of every once in a while.

A strange sensation comes over her as she crosses the border but she shakes it off as she walks to the front door.

"Jasper?" She frowns as she sees the young man sitting on the porch steps, looking at the starry sky, seemingly deep in thought. He looks up and smiles, making her automatically smile back. "What are you doing here?" She asks him. He stands up and walks to her, a smirk evident on his lips. He stops right before her and she tilts her head to look up at him. Damn, what a jawline.

"Seeing as Rose and Emmett are taking your brother to dinner tomorrow, today," he starts while he keeps his eyes focused on her. "I was wondering if you'd be willing to finally get on with the homework." She starts to chuckle and smiles at him.

"Sure." She quickly pecks him on the cheek, the alcohol doing the work for her, before brushing past him but he grabs her wrist and turns her around.

"You smell of wolf." He crunches his nose and she has to keep herself from saying 'aw' right then and there.

"That could be yeah." They look into each other's eyes and a blush creeps unto her cheeks. This was something other than she was used to. Even with alcohol she felt insecure. That had happened only once before, and it didn't end well.

Jasper's lips hover over hers and she wants to close the gap but a small voice in the back of her head says no. She puts a hand on his chest and he chooses to place his lips on her head instead. A safe feeling washing over her as he does so.

He loosens his grip and she walks further but stops as she comes to a certain realization. "How long did you wait?" He shrugs and smirks at her before turning.

I love them so muuuucchhh.

It's a real slow burn as I got a couple of things that I really need to get in there before they go further.

Any suggestions? Things you'd want to see?

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