chapter 032

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Peter had always been the one to be very open about his emotions, while Alex was the one who couldn't control them. She wanted to repress them and it made her get out of control. Peter was the one to acknowledge the anger, the pain, the love. It had been his way of life.

But he couldn't always deal with it that well. Alex knew this, and as the great sister she was, made an appointment with a friend. Someone she truly trusted and she didn't trust a lot of people. Peter had obliged and he went, every week since the first appointment. Every week, same time.

"Pietro," the young man snaps up his head and looks at the man in front of him. "Where is your head?" Peter chuckles but gets cut of before he replies. "And don't say on my neck because I will hit you if you do that again." Peter raises his hands in defense and shrugs.

"Pete?" The young man looks over from his book as his sister walks up to him, dressed in her casual wear. "He asked me out."

"Your mind is going different places." Peter looks at the man in front of him. He was gorgeous. His fair skin contrasted with his dark and curly hair. His eyes a light blue, but Peter knew that they were contacts. The real color was red.

"It is." Peter slowly replies.

"What did you say?" He lays down his book and sits upright, facing his sister. She had slightly red cheeks and a gleeful look on her face as she lays down.

"Well of course I said yes." Peter laughs as he walks over to her and hugs her. They had both waited a long time for the man to ask her out. They'd have conversations late at night about the young man and finally he had the guts.

"About damn time."

"So where is it going now?" Peter had been going to Spencer for ages, the man even made sure to held the spot open for him if Peter decided he didn't need talks anymore.

"It's Alex." He mutters. "It's all so much." Spencer nods and bites his lip while thinking about his next words.

"And what exactly is 'so much'?"

"He betrayed us!" Alex shouts at Peter. "They all did!" Her anger taking a hold of her as the man of her dreams had turned out to be different. It had changed the siblings.

"He asked her out." Spencer knew immediately that it was about Jasper Cullen. He knew everyone and everything in Peter's life.


"She accepted." Spencer narrows his eyes at her.

"That's a good thing. She's moving on." Peter wants to say something but Spencer continues. "You can't always protect her from her own feelings. Sometimes you have to let them play out."

"She just came to terms with herself." Peter says and his eyes are pleading for Spencer to say something comforting.

Peter slowly walks downstairs, hearing the sounds that came from his sister as she is out in the yard. Angry shouts and cries ripple the air. He had waited for it to die down, but it hadn't for the last five hours and it tired him.

"Lex?" The girl turns around, her hair a mess filled with branches and leaves, her eyes turning black and back to blue every few seconds. "You're scaring me." Her face softens as she looks at the large man in front of her.

He had been the oldest of the two, but right now he looked like a scared young boy.

"She did. And she went a far long way to do that. Maybe this is the next step, maybe he can help her." Peter nods but his face says different. "I need you to let her go." Peter raises an eyebrow. "Not completely, just so she can take her own steps." Peter sighs. He knew that he had to do it eventually.

"We're not done with the Volturi yet." Spencer narrows his eyes at the news. "She still has one more tour."

"Did she tell you about them?" Spencer looks at Peter and his heart breaks at the look that Peter is giving him. "I'll take that as a yes. What are they about?"

"They are using her anger." Peter mutters angrily. "To get rid of the ones they don't want anymore." Spencer frowns.

Though he knew the siblings before he had his separate sessions with Peter, he had learned more about the two with every talk he had Peter had. He had grown fond of the two. It wasn't hard, they were people filled with passion, humor, love and they were down to earth.

"What do you make of that?" Peter snaps his head up and looks at Spencer, black covering his eyes for a second.

"That they are the scum of the earth and I wouldn't be more glad to help everyone by getting rid of them."

"That escalated quickly." Spencer jokingly says but he quickly stops when he sees Peter's face. "Normally that'd be Alex' line, would it not?" A nod confirms his theory. "What does she make of it?" Peter sighs and slumps back in the seat.

"It's as if she doesn't care. But I know that she's hurting, she hasn't slept well sonce-.."

"Since Jasper made her calm enough to sleep." Peter looks at Spencer and sighs. "So wouldn't you think that he has the best interest for her in his heart?"

"We thought so before." Spencer sighs and looks back to Peter but not before leaning down on his knees.

"You trusted once and it backfired. Does that mean you should never trust again?"

"Well I mean-.."

"Pietro." Peter frowns at Spencer's serious voice. "You trust Sam?" Peter slowly nods. "You trust Alex?" Peter nods again. "So why don't you trust Alex to make her own decisions? Why don't you trust Jasper to be worthy?"

"It scares me." Peter admits softly.

"That only makes us human."

Alright, chapter 40 will be the beginning of Twilight! So excited for Alex and Peter to be a part of it! What do you think so far?

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