chapter 95

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The wedding was beautiful. After an eternity - or so it felt to Alex - Bella had appeared with Charlie by her side. The latter gave Alex a kind smile and the first looked like a wreck, as if she were to run away at any given moment. But she didn't. As soon as she saw Edward, her face turned into one of relief and happiness.

It made Alex feel warm inside. Though the bad feelings weren't going away, she saw how happy they made one another. And she was all for it.

After the reception, everyone wandered over to the party and Jasper did not leave Alex' side for one moment. It was kind of him. He knew how overwhelming this all was to her. They had multiple heart to heart conversations when they were away and she had an inkling that Edward knew them.. otherwise they would have had a chance to congratulate the bride and groom already.

Some friends from school were there, a few wolves, a few vampires, Bella's closest family. Alex chuckles at the fact that the Denali's seem to capture many men their attention.

"Carmen!" Alex says and the woman walks over to the two. "I'm glad to see you." The two hug and Jasper nods at the female head of the Denali clan.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." Carmen replies and raises her eyebrows at the two. "Though I would've imagined you two getting married first." Alex shuffles on her feet awkwardly and sighs.

"Well, I would've imagined that Pietro was there." She replies before walking away and Carmen looks at Jasper with big eyes.

"What?" She asks him and Jasper stands beside her while keeping an eye on Alex.

"The Volturi." He begins and Carmen gasps. "They made sure that there is now only one Spure." Carmen's face turns into one of sympathy. "Had Carlisle not told you?" She shakes her head.

"I'm so sorry." She replies and they both look over to Alex who grabs a bottle of booze and sneaks into the back where she couldn't be seen anymore. "How is she doing?" Eleazar walks up to them with a smile.

"She's.." Jasper tries to find the right words. "There's different days. Today is a hard one. Pietro really liked Bella and would have loved to be at the wedding." Carmen nods and Eleazar frowns but his wife quickly explains the situation. "But today is Edward and Bella's day," Jasper concludes. "And that's how Alex wants it. So she's a bit out of sorts if you'll talk to her." The two nod and look over to three other clan members. "I'm going to find her."

Somehow it was easy to find her. Where Bella had gone towards the woods to see Jacob, Alex had taken towards the dancefloor where she danced with Emmett, Rosalie, Alice and even some humans. Her eyes widen with joy as she sees Jasper and a warm feeling washes over him. She was truly enjoying the dancing and the party of it all. He had to remember that when they started planning their own wedding. He walks over towards Emmett and offers a hand to Alex.

"May I have this dance?" He asks her and a grant smile appears on her face but Emmett pushes him away.

"After this one." Jasper laughs and enjoys seeing the true joy on Alex' face as they don't really dance but just make different moves that the other copies.

"Now I'm yours." She breathes and grabs a drink that she presumably left on the table behind him. She grabs his hand and leads him to the dancefloor. "Come on." The music is loud and the two seem to distance themselves from the other dancers as they are completely mesmerised by one another. He twirls her around and she jumps, making him catch her and place her down on the other side. It was as if they had danced with each other many times, but this was the first time. And it felt exhilarating to Alex. She wanted to dance with this man more. Her man. Her soon-to-be husband.

As if even possible, her smile broadens as she looks at him.

"What?" He asks her, a small smirk playing on his lips.

"You're mine." She breathes and he could see in her eyes that she was trying to comprehend how she got this beautiful specimen.

"I'm yours." He echoes and their faces draw closer. "As you are mine." A shiver runs down Alex' spine as she sees the look in Jasper's eyes. It was one of pure lust.

"Forever." She replies and he quickly closes the gap between them, the tension disappearing only slightly.

They had chosen to spend the rest of the evening together, dancing and - him pretending - eating, talking. Just enjoying the presence of their other half. He got one dance in with Alice and it Alex found it beautiful to watch.

Even the toasts were enjoyable to Alex. Certainly Emmett's. When he said 'hope you slept well because you're getting none of it' everyone - except for Charlie and Renee - burst out laughing. Many because of the underlying sexual message but the vampires and Alex because Bella would be turned soon.

Edward and Bella made their way to the car and many threw flower leaves towards them, some rice and Alex just watched. The rest soon left but the Cullen children, Alex and the Denali cousins were still dancing and enjoying the night. It wasn't until Jasper saw Alex swaying on her feet due to tiredness, emotions, alcohol and happiness that he decided to call it a night. He picked her up and she lazily waved towards the rest before leaning into his embrace. He was now her home.

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