chapter 67

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Peter was doing better and better and the wolves were taking pride in the fact that they helped and still were helping. They had taken a liking to Harvey and Alex had a suspicion that it was because of the fact that they were all boys and they could all be embarrassingly dumb.

But it all played out well because now, Alex could go away for Christmas. It was a holiday that she and her brother rarely celebrated, they already had enough things to do together.

So she was going to see her one and only boyfriend. And his family. Because they all still lived together. Something that Alex also didn't really understand.

But she didn't mind and she almost couldn't wait to get off of the plane. She knew that he wouldn't be waiting for her, there were too many humans around.

"Shorty!" Her head whips around towards the voice and she starts to smile as she sees the broad vampire.

"Idiot!" She runs up to him and jumps up so he can catch her.

Though she mostly spent her time with Jasper when she went to the Cullens, during the day she would also get to know the siblings better. And Emmett a lot better. They often fought together because he insisted on being the strongest - which he wasn't - and he always wanted a rematch. It didn't help that both of them were pretty competitive and saw everything as a rematch.

"How's life?" He asks as they walk towards the car where his beautiful wife is waiting. Alex sort of got used to her beauty but it always struck her when she first saw the Hale sister again.

"It's good, school is boring but I'm finally getting better at Religions so that's good."

"You better be," Rosalie responds as she starts the car. "With the many hours that Jasper spends explaining it to you." A small smile plays on her lips and she winks at the girl, letting her know it was meant as teasing.

"Yeah, he's a great tutor." Alex softly replies with a smile on her face, she couldn't wait to see him. "Is Edward going to be there?" Rosalie quickly looks at her through the rearview mirror before looking towards Emmett.

"Eddieboy is still working through his feelings." The latter replies as he looks out of the window. Alex frowns and sighs.

"She's not taking it well." They all knew that she meant Bella and they all felt awkward around that entire subject.

"That's dumb of her." Except for Rosalie of course.


"Aren't you scared of sleeping in a house full of vampires?" Jasper asks his girlfriend as they lay on the couch. This would be the first time that she would sleep while the Cullen family would also be there. Every other time, Jasper and she would go to the place that Jasper stayed at.

Alex turns around and looks at Jasper while he wraps his arms tighter around her as to keep her from falling to the ground.

"They're not that scary." Alex smiles up at him and he grins. "There is one though."

"Oh is there?"

"Yeah, used to be in the army." Jasper's eyebrows raise and a smile plays on his lips. "Real tough guy."

"Not as tough as me though." Alex rolls her eyes as she feels a head lean on her side.

"Em," Jasper looks just past Alex at his brother. "Not to brag, but I am." They all sit up and Alex purses her lips as she tries not to laugh.

"Have you seen my muscles?" Emmett stands up and starts to show off. Rosalie and Alice walk into the room and both of them are wearing slightly unimpressed looks.

"I have, but I'm still tougher than you." Emmett frowns and looks at Jasper.

"How come."

"Do you know how tough you have to be to date a hybrid?" Alex' jaw falls down as Jasper smirks at Emmett. 

"She's not that scary." Emmett says with an eyeroll and Alex stands in front of Jasper and narrows her eyebrows. "Well, you are if you look at me like that."

"Get dressed." Rosalie tells her husband and he sighs before obliging. 

"You were amazing." Jasper says as he wraps his arms around her and pulls her closer. She rest the back of her head against his chest and he lowers his head. "We should also get dressed."

Alex grabs his hands and pulls his arms tighter. "Hmm."

"Preferably now." He chuckles and she sighs, letting go of his hands and he turns her around before kissing her quickly and disappearing to where his clothes were spread out by his sister.

Alex was surprised with how the Cullens celebrated Christmas, it could only be summarised as extravagant yet cozy. There were a dozen different types of food. Is it all for me? The tree reaches the ceiling and could have easily been stolen of a catalogue with how it was decorated. Probably Esme's doing. Everyone had to dress up, Alice chose the clothes together with Rosalie. And there were presents, lots of presents.

"Have I told you how amazing you look?" Jasper whispers in Alex' ear as he finally turns up in the living room.

"Only 9 times, but you can say it as much as you'd like." A teasing smile on her lips.

"You look beautiful."

"You clean up nice as well." He did. Normally Alex loved the way he looked, but seeing him in a suit just made her stomach erupt with flowers once again. "Merry Christmas."

Jasper cheekily holds up a fake mistletoe. "Merry Christmas."

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