chapter 63

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Rosalie and Emmett were coming over to watch over Peter while Alex relieved herself from watch duty. It was always either her or Harvey and though they didn't mind, it took a toll on them.

The fact that her school work was falling behind and she officially quit working at Mrs Pawly and instead came in sometimes to help for an hour or two when she had the energy was enough to make all of the Cullens concerned for the young woman who they had taken a special liking too.

"Don't worry," Peter says as he waves towards the door. "You can go, I'll wait for them." Alex raises an eyebrow and sighs. "Or you can wait with me." He holds up his hands in defense and his sister softly bites her lip. She wanted to trust him, to know that he wouldn't go away and leave her once again. "Come sit." His voice a whisper as he pats the seat next to him on the sofa. He was all ready for a movie and game night with the Cullen couple and already made himself comfortable on the couch with a blanket over him.

Alex found a certain type of happiness with seeing him relaxed in their house and she plops herself down, falling half on him. He screeches and she jumps up laughing while he starts to push and tickle her.

"And here I thought only Peter needed a babysitter." Emmett's voice booms while he looks at the childish antics of the brother and sister before him. Rosalie pushes him slightly, she didn't want to look like an asshole towards Peter but the latter just laughs and pushes his sister off of him.

"Go to your boyfriend." She leans over the couch and kisses the top of his head, both of them closing their eyes at the familial feeling. "Don't do things I wouldn't do!" He yells after her and Jasper looks over his shoulder towards the Spure male.

"And what exactly would that be?" Sending the boy in a fit of laughter. Jasper and Alex smile at one another before leaving the Spure household. "He seems chipper." Jasper notices the way that her eyes keep flittering towards her house and he puts a hand on her shoulder. "We're close by, they'll call if anything seems out of the ordinary."

"You're right." There was a reason why she had to get out of the house and she was going to try and let loose for an evening.

"You've been busy." Jasper comments as they walk towards the part of the forrest that the Cullens possess. Harvey and Alex had been putting Peter up to building a cottage for his own silence and meanwhile cut down some trees that were sick to release his energy somewhere.

"I've mostly been observing." She replies with a smile. A small shock goes through Jasper as she grabs his hand and interlocks their fingers. He looks down at her and smiles at her, she was slightly getting better.

The walk towards the Cullen household is taken with a slight detour as they make their way down a path that they have gone hundreds of times on their walks. Alex remembers how Edward used to take her out here for their homework just so Jasper could talk to Peter, both had confessed. They weren't great at secrets and that was one of the parts that Alex liked in Jasper so much.

She stops and whirls his arm around her while she wraps hers around his waist. Jasper chuckles as he hears the content sigh.

"You happy?" She nods and pulls him closer.

"I'm at peace." He tightens his arms slightly and kisses the top of her head. He knew that it was something that the Spure's didn't really know or were familiar with - Peter's outburst showed that - so he was happy that she finally felt that way.

"It's Bella's birthday tomorrow." Alex' eyes widen and she turns to her boyfriend.

"I totally forgot." Jasper smirks at her. "Harvey is coming over tomorrow morning and we're going to help Peter.." she closes her eyes and sighs. "Crap." Alex held a certain type of hatred for not remembering certain dates and appointments.

"It's okay." he pushes her back slightly and looks her in the eyes. "No worries, I'll tell you all about it later." she smiles at him and he wraps his arms around her. "Now how about that lasagna that I promised."

"It can't be better than Esme's."

"Oh but it is."


Alex looks at Jasper as he grabs the lasagna from the oven and places it in front of her.

"You can reheat the rest later." He softly says while sitting in front of her and letting her eat while he talks about this new game that Emmett and he found out about. The rest of the Cullens were not really amused by 'Mister President' but Alex could only smile as she imagined how both Emmett and Jasper jumped on their vampire family.

It made her realise how lucky she was that she had Jasper. Someone who was there for her, not only in the good times. He was patient and kind now that she forgot things and had her brother as her top priority.

"I love you." She suddenly blurts out and Jasper smirks.

"The lasagna is that good huh." She shakes her head and starts to laugh. "I'll make it more often then."

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