chapter 023

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It were the last few weeks of school for this year and the student body couldn't be more excited. Around every corner were murmers of what everyone was going to do. Some of the students were going on holidays, others were going on college trips and some were going to work.

Peter and Alex had made plans for their vacation. They were going to help Sam for as long as they could and would get away for a week long holiday to Egypt. They had some friends there that they hadn't seen in ages.

They didn't know what the Cullens were going to do and that was exactly what Alex wanted. She didn't want their lifes to be more intertwined than they already were.

Alex and Jasper had not really talked since their last encounter where she had indicated that she had slept with someone else. Somewhere deep down, it had hurt her to see the pain cross his face, but she did not want to acknowledge that particular fact. She just wanted to be left alone and-..

"Hey," Alex looks up from her locker and her jaw locks as she sees the blonde angel standing to her right. "Can we talk?" She purses her lips and she nods.

"Sure." She closes the door but he doesn't move an inch, indicating that he doesn't want to talk anywhere else.

"For the sake of our homework," he begins and looks everywhere but her eyes. She frowns and tilts her head as she looks straight at his eyes. He looks down and a small frown line appears and disappears between his eyebrows. "Not really for our homework." He softly says. "I just wanted to apologize." She raises an eyebrow and he notices the confused feelings coming from her. He had noticed that he often felt her emotions when they were talking together. "For the kiss." Her lips slightly part as she looks down. "You didn't kiss me the night before yet I kissed you while we were studying. On top of that," he continues his apology. "I shouldn't have barged in on your privacy. I'm sorry."

Alex frowns lightly as she still looks down. This was not exactly what she had wanted.

"Thank you." She replies with a small smile. She didn't do well with apologies. Not the ones that she made but also not the ones that others made.

"I hope that we can start fresh, as friends?" His eyes light up with hopefulness and Alex can't stop but look at them. She holds her books closer to her chest as she draws in a sharp breath.

"Sure." He holds out his hand for her and she chuckles. This was really cheesy. She takes it. "Jasper Whitlock, nice to meet you ma'am."

"Alex Spure." He shakes it and gives it a slight kiss while looking her in the eyes. "But please don't call me ma'am," she replies while holding his gaze. "It makes me feel rather old." He let's go of her hand and chuckles.

"Feel?" He raises an eyebrow at her as they start to walk. "You look like it?" She gasps before hitting his arm. "Don't hurt the goods." He raises his hands in defense while she marches on with a smile on her face.


At the end of every year, a party had to be thrown. Every year was also a battle amongst the most popular ones who would be able to throw it the best. Alex had wanted to be the one to throw it this year, but Peter had stopped her. They weren't the eldest and she'd get the chance in a year or maybe two. So here they were, going back home to change into their party outfits before going to Stromberg's. Charlie, their eldest, was graduating and of course had to throw the most lavish party they'd seen.

"Can you throw me-.." Alex stops midsentence as her black shorts are thrown her way. "Thanks."

"Do you have my-.." Peter also stops his sentence as he feels something hit his head. He turns and sees Alex wink before closing the door. He grabs the piece of clothing and notices the blouse that he had wanted to ask for. They knew each other a bit to well. "Thank you."

"That's creepy." Alex and Peter both pop their heads out of the bedroom doors and raise their eyebrows at one another before shrugging and making their way downstairs. Alex holding a hammer and Peter holding a bat.

"What are you doing here?" Peter leans on his bat as he looks at the two Cullen brothers.

"Well, we'd love to go to the party but the girls and Edward didn't want to come." Alex chuckles as she thinks of the lonely boy.

"You'd be okay with not drinking?" Alex walks backwards to the cupboard. She had some special wine left, the same that Jasper had liked on their study-date. "Or do you want this to blend in?"

Jasper shakes his head. He did not want to drink or necessarily go to the party. Though he enjoyed the occasional celebration, he had trouble keeping his mind of the humans. He had noticed however, that when he was with one of the Spure siblings that it was not remotely as hard. It wasn't even on the table. That is why Emmett and he had decided to join the siblings. Rosalie was still getting dressed because even though she was the most beautiful, she wanted to feel it as well.

"Should we pick up your girlfriend?" Alex jokes before turning around and seeing her standing there, making her jaw drop. "Damn." Peter jokingly slaps her arm.

"Back of Spure," Emmett smirks. "This one's mine." He kisses the cheek of his wife before they all get in the car. Jasper drives and Peter joins him in the front, leaving Alex in between the married couple.

She purses her lips as she looks forwards, only to glance Jasper's glance in the rear view mirror. Alex tries to look around but looks at the beautiful blonde towards her right before catching her brother's teasing glance. She rolls her eyes as she feels her cheeks redden. This was going to be a long night.

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